Thursday, July 28, 2011

She said what?

More from the mouth of our 3 year old: 

After trying on her flower girl dress for Scott and Alyssa's wedding: 
"Mom, don't say 'Lexi' say 'Your Majesty"

"Mom! There are dinosaurs in my room! I made them go away when I said WOO-YEAH!"

"MOM! There are GIANTS in my room! I said 'You go away giants! You leave Lexi alone! WOO-YEAH!"

A bird dropped down into our fireplace. Lexi saw it and told me that he just wanted to come in to use the potty. 

She came downstairs in her rain boots and told me she was ready to go play in the snow. She then proceeded to attempt to make snow angels in the carpet. It was 110 outside yesterday. 

Me: "Lexi! Look- your panties have princesses on them!"
 Lexi: "Oh, it's a dream come true!" 

Liar, Liar, pants on FIRE! 
Lexi has been on quite the little fibbing streak. NONE of this happened, and goes to show why Paul always says you should never have a 3 year old testify as a witness to anything.

"I don't have a dada!" (Paul made her mad)

"Daddy threw me in the trash!" 

"Mommy pushed me into the pool!"

Saturday, July 23, 2011

I'm having a good SHARE day

 Lexi has really started to come around to her baby sister. She loves to pat her tiny head and tell us "Emma is so CUTE!" (we agree, b-t-dubs) but when it comes to giving up her play-space, girlie is not on board! BUT, I have hope! Hope that stems from this one little moment in time that I happened upon this week. 
Lexi was trying to get Emma to play with her (Em's 10 weeks old. She's smart, but not ready for 'let's pretend' yet) and she kept putting her stuffed bear in Emma's hands. Lexi so desperately wanted Emma to make the bear's voice and have the pink bear talk back to Lexi's bear. 

Wasn't happenin', but it makes for one cute photo-op, you know!

and wouldn't you know, the 1st thing Lexi's bear said was "What are you DOING?" 

 Clearly, Emma was totally into this game! 

 That's more like it - smiles for sister!

love, love, LOVE, L.O.V. E. the Eskimo kisses

She is BEAR-y loved!

NOW here's another thing about that morning. I want to make something clear - I do not let my daughter eat breakfast in the family room unless she is eating something non-mess making (like dry Cheerios). She usually, almost-always eats breakfast at the kitchen table because her favorite morning fare is yogurt (or Mo-gurt if you speak Lexi-can). 

Thursday morning, I get her up, get her dressed, get her eating her yogurt at the table and dash back upstairs to grab a load of laundry. Upon my return, I found this:

Lexi had found and set up her Princess lawn chair in the middle of the family room, carried her yogurt bowl from the table to the family room, and proceeded to eat from this location. 

She has NEVER been allowed to do this before! It just seemed like a great idea to her, I guess. 

And like an excellent parent I grabbed the camera to snap a few photos for evidence (because Paul needed to see this!) before I removed the yogurt from my daughter's precarious hold. Back to the table she went. A little older. A little bolder. A little messier.
She thinks she's cute for some reason.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

You get a line, I'll get a pole

Lexi went down to visit her grandparents in Columbus over the weekend. Early one morning, Grandpa took Lexi and her cousin Noah out to feed the catfish in the pond.

 Good Morning, Lexi! 

 Feeding fishies with Grandpa and Noah

 isn't Noah too cute?
I love the way these two are just checking things out in these pictures:

 he's an adventurous little guy, too
Photos courtesy of Paul - I don't do fish, if you'll recall.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Emma, Emma, Bo-Bemma

Emma is 2 months old and just so much fun! 
I especially enjoy photo-shoot Friday with my adorable model baby!

 she can be serious . . .
 . . . or happy! 
She has range.

 We all love to love on our Emma-baby!

We still have only one picture of our ENTIRE family of four and it's not very good, so for now a couple of individual mommy and daddy shots. We really do all like each other, I promise! 

Emma's 2 month stats 
height: 21.5 inches (20th percentile)
weight: 11 lbs 9 oz (55th percentile)
head circumference: 15 inches (50th percentile)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Emma's Baptism

Emma Josephine's Baptism 
July 9th, 2011
Church of the Magdalen

Lexi - Lu who was mostly interested in the holy water font

Aqua-Doodles and Octagons

Lexi got an Aqua Doodle from her Uncle Tim and Aunt Blair and when she was playing with it she made up a song about it - "Aqua Doodle, Aqua Doodle, I make a that  . . . song" (she's 3, ok? what were you expecting?) 

She also loves shapes - great at naming them, not-so-much at drawing them . . . you'll see.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Can YOU do "The Sprinkler"?

I really, really hope that when you were little your parents let you run through the sprinklers. It's fun, it's free, it's COLD! 

With the extreme heat we've been experiencing lately, we have had to water our grass at least daily, but often we run the sprinklers in the evening also (we have a well, so this really is an inexpensive form of entertainment). 

Lulu LOVES LOVES LOVES to run around in the sprinklers.

"Mom, watch! I'm going to go FLY!" 

this is so fun

"On your mark, get set . . ."


Monday, July 4, 2011


 Since I have gotten my fancy new camera (last December), I've been attempting to take more stylish pictures. I am obviously still learning, but Emma was a willing participant in photo shoot Friday on July 1st.

Every Baby A Wildcat

Friday, July 1, 2011

Emma - 7 weeks

My baby girl is 7 weeks old - she can smile and coo and it melts hearts. 

She looks a lot like her sister did at this age - so much that the only way to tell their pictures apart is their eye color (Lexi's were already brown and Emma's are still blue) and Lexi has a small vein visible on the bridge of her nose.

Emma Josephine is still a sweet, snuggly one. She rarely cries and (usually) is a great sleeper. 

I think we'll keep her.