More from the mouth of our 3 year old:
After trying on her flower girl dress for Scott and Alyssa's wedding:
"Mom, don't say 'Lexi' say 'Your Majesty"
"Mom! There are dinosaurs in my room! I made them go away when I said WOO-YEAH!"
"MOM! There are GIANTS in my room! I said 'You go away giants! You leave Lexi alone! WOO-YEAH!"
A bird dropped down into our fireplace. Lexi saw it and told me that he just wanted to come in to use the potty.
She came downstairs in her rain boots and told me she was ready to go play in the snow. She then proceeded to attempt to make snow angels in the carpet. It was 110 outside yesterday.
Me: "Lexi! Look- your panties have princesses on them!"
Lexi: "Oh, it's a dream come true!"
Liar, Liar, pants on FIRE!
Lexi has been on quite the little fibbing streak. NONE of this happened, and goes to show why Paul always says you should never have a 3 year old testify as a witness to anything.
"I don't have a dada!" (Paul made her mad)
"Daddy threw me in the trash!"
"Mommy pushed me into the pool!"
LOL Oh Meg, these Lexi stories always brighten my day...she is a hoot!