Saturday, July 23, 2011

I'm having a good SHARE day

 Lexi has really started to come around to her baby sister. She loves to pat her tiny head and tell us "Emma is so CUTE!" (we agree, b-t-dubs) but when it comes to giving up her play-space, girlie is not on board! BUT, I have hope! Hope that stems from this one little moment in time that I happened upon this week. 
Lexi was trying to get Emma to play with her (Em's 10 weeks old. She's smart, but not ready for 'let's pretend' yet) and she kept putting her stuffed bear in Emma's hands. Lexi so desperately wanted Emma to make the bear's voice and have the pink bear talk back to Lexi's bear. 

Wasn't happenin', but it makes for one cute photo-op, you know!

and wouldn't you know, the 1st thing Lexi's bear said was "What are you DOING?" 

 Clearly, Emma was totally into this game! 

 That's more like it - smiles for sister!

love, love, LOVE, L.O.V. E. the Eskimo kisses

She is BEAR-y loved!

NOW here's another thing about that morning. I want to make something clear - I do not let my daughter eat breakfast in the family room unless she is eating something non-mess making (like dry Cheerios). She usually, almost-always eats breakfast at the kitchen table because her favorite morning fare is yogurt (or Mo-gurt if you speak Lexi-can). 

Thursday morning, I get her up, get her dressed, get her eating her yogurt at the table and dash back upstairs to grab a load of laundry. Upon my return, I found this:

Lexi had found and set up her Princess lawn chair in the middle of the family room, carried her yogurt bowl from the table to the family room, and proceeded to eat from this location. 

She has NEVER been allowed to do this before! It just seemed like a great idea to her, I guess. 

And like an excellent parent I grabbed the camera to snap a few photos for evidence (because Paul needed to see this!) before I removed the yogurt from my daughter's precarious hold. Back to the table she went. A little older. A little bolder. A little messier.
She thinks she's cute for some reason.

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