Now for those of you who know me at all, you are probably thinking something along the lines of "What the WHAT?" because you know, you KNOW, how much I am creeped out by fish. So creeped out that I won't even swim in a lake, creeped out.
So let me explain. This was ALL Paul's idea. He thought that as much as Lexi loves the fish at the zoo, it would be so much fun to get her a fish for her bedroom - a fish of her VERY own. Oh, how sweet!
So he talked me into it on the condition that I would not have to do ANYTHING, EVER, to help maintain the fish. No cleaning, no feeding, no water changing - nothing! Off to the pet store we go to pick out our new fish and little tank. SIDENOTE: aren't fish supposed to be cheap? This little dude was not a bargain - $14 for a fish? you've got to be kidding me? Whatever - this one's on Daddy.
We get our fish home, set up in his new crib, got him some sweet colored gravel on the bottom of the bowl, and picked out a spot for him to live in Lexi's room. She was pumped - I mean SUPER pumped about this fish! Until bedtime that is . . .
Lexi is extremely routine when it comes to bedtime; to the point, she may have OCD. So the presence of that fish in her room, a fish who had not previously been there, put her little brain on overload and she wanted him out and she wanted him out NOW! She begged and cried and even went so far as to say, "He not Lexi's fish! He daddy's fish! He sleep in Daddy's room! He not Lexi's fish, no sleep in Lexi's room"
Out the fish went. Great.
For now the fish is living in the middle of our kitchen table. Lexi loves him again (as long as he keeps a respectful distance from her bedroom) and talks to him while she eats and colors and plays.
What is his name, you ask? Well, that is so far undetermined. Paul wanted to name him Frank Martin (EMAW!) and Lexi changes his name daily. So far she has named him W (?), Three, and Nemo. When she said Nemo, I said, "No way! That is a completely unoriginal name for a fish. No, not hapenning!" To this my husband replied, "Really, Megan? She's 2, if she wants to name her fish Nemo, let her!" fine. It'll be something bizarre like 'ice cream' tomorrow anyway.
My name suggestion was Alpha (get it, he's a BETA fish? And if he dies, we'll just work our way down the Greek alphabet with more creepster-fish, finally putting to good use the fact I had to memorize the Greek alphabet for sorority initiation).
Stay tuned for the saga of Frank/W/Nemo/Three/Alpha/Whatever.
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