Monday, July 1, 2013

Opposites: Night & Day, Tortoise & the Hare, Lexi & Emma

 These are my girls. 
My loves. 
Lexi, 5, and Emma, 2. 
Being their mommy is a joy. 
A tiring, exhausting, crazy, laugh-out-loud every day joy. 

These two ladies are my world. 
But I should probably say worlds - plural - because my girls are complete opposites. 

Just look at them - even physically they are different. 
Lexi has the dark hair, eyes, and skin. 

Emma is fair, blonde, and light eyed. 

They are unbelievably different, and always have been. Emma was the easiest baby - sweet and cuddly, a great eater, quick to accomplish her milestones. Lexi, however, was a cranky and fussy infant. She quickly developed into a (mostly) delightful and easy going toddler.

As Lexi has grown, she clearly developed a rule-following way about her. She believes firmly in rules and boundaries, and isn't afraid to let you know if you have breached the borders of 5 year old propriety. Last year we fondly referred to her as "The Grand Duchess of Pre-K." 
 At the park. She is saying it is time to go because "it is getting way too dangerous here." 

 fell asleep with her book

Emma is a rebel. She does whatever her 'spirit' moves her to do - and usually that movement is towards trouble. She laughs in the face of danger. She tried to go down a slide head first this morning. 

Lexi's nickname is Turtle. She is slow and methodical in all things; always wanting to make sure she does things the right way. She gets stressed out about being rushed. It takes her at least an hour to eat dinner. But she does eat all her dinner, because she knows that is what we expect of her. 
 creating her 'fairy house'

Emma tries to get through everything as quickly as possible - she takes life at a run. There is a 15 minute window of time for Emma to eat her dinner - use it wisely or else she is gone/done/over it. 

Taking them anywhere is always interesting. I am dragging Lexi behind me while we try to catch up with Emma who is running 5 paces ahead of us. 

playing with Mommy's phone

Lexi still lets me pick out her clothes. 
Emma has been making her own (interesting) clothing choices for months. 

But they both love cuddles, thank goodness. And each other. Well, most of the time they love each other. They fight some, but neither one can leave the other (even at bedtime) without giving sister hugs and kisses.

They are our universes. 
Separate universes, of course.

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