Monday, January 21, 2013

This Just Needs to Stop

Today marks day 8 that the Holding House has been sick. That's right - 8 days of laundry, Tylenol, and temperature taking.
During this time, I have observed noticeable differences in the way my girls handle illness. 

Lexi cries. 
A lot. 
She stands in the middle of the (usually carpeted) room and screams, "I'm going to throw up!" Don't try telling her to run to the bathroom or at least grab the barf bucket (or 'spit pot' as she calls it), because it won't happen. She just stands there announcing the imminent until it arrives. 
It seems that in Lexi's case, the mountain must come to Muhammad. 
For once she has declared barf, Lexi stands her ground. 
Lexi also rests. 
She slept in the middle of the family room yesterday. We offered to take her to bed or at least move her to the couch, but she said she didn't want to move. 
She slept there even with a football game on and Emma's shenanigans occurring around her. 

Emma is a totally different animal. 
She refuses to acknowledge the sickness. 
She had a fever of 101 for three straight days last week and you never would have known it. 
I felt guilty being home from work with her because she was her usual (trouble-making) self, just 3 degrees too warm. 

Emma does NOT rest when she is ill. 
Emma refused naps twice. 
She doesn't sleep through the night under normal circumstances, so being sick only makes matters worse. 
Paul and I are zombies. 
But because in all dark moments, there is a ray of light, God made our girlies HILARIOUS when sick. We had a hard time keeping a straight face when they were crying with sickness due to the hilarious things they said. 
Here are our favorites: 
Lexi: "Why is this happening to me?"
Lexi: "This just needs to stop!"
Emma: "Oh Man!"

Here's hoping our quarantine is over soon! 
my apologies for the phone photography

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