Monday, January 14, 2013

In Your Face

 I know I'm partial as their Momma, but I think my kids have pretty cute faces. 
I also know that if they are going to grow up to be models and internationally acclaimed film stars I have to protect their faces. 

Unfortunately I am not doing such a great job of this. 
I blame our fireplace. 

Our fireplace is all brick, and those bricks are somehow razor sharp. We had a fireplace just like this growing up and my brother cut his face/head open no less than 3 times on the treacherous brick. My dad even bought foam bumper padding to go over the brick on MY fireplace because he didn't want the same thing that happened to my brother to happen to his grand-daughters. 
But my girls kept pulling the padding pieces off and wearing them around the house like skis. 
True Story. 
So the padding wasn't really doing any good on their feet, so we took it away. 

But like I was saying - I haven't protected their faces well enough. Lexi busted her chin open on this brick monster when she was two and last night was Emma's turn. She was siting on the fireplace and tried to roll off and gave her self a fat lip. I was sitting right next to her and didn't think much of it - she hardly touched the bricks! 
When she started crying I looked down and there was blood everywhere! She had cut her lip and scraped her chin and face on those stupid stupid bricks. 

Once I cleaned up the crime scene, I realized that the cut was minor but she must have bumped herself pretty hard because her whole lip is swollen. 

my poor baby girl - you get extra loving and cookies until your face heals, ok?

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