Monday, January 21, 2013

This Just Needs to Stop

Today marks day 8 that the Holding House has been sick. That's right - 8 days of laundry, Tylenol, and temperature taking.
During this time, I have observed noticeable differences in the way my girls handle illness. 

Lexi cries. 
A lot. 
She stands in the middle of the (usually carpeted) room and screams, "I'm going to throw up!" Don't try telling her to run to the bathroom or at least grab the barf bucket (or 'spit pot' as she calls it), because it won't happen. She just stands there announcing the imminent until it arrives. 
It seems that in Lexi's case, the mountain must come to Muhammad. 
For once she has declared barf, Lexi stands her ground. 
Lexi also rests. 
She slept in the middle of the family room yesterday. We offered to take her to bed or at least move her to the couch, but she said she didn't want to move. 
She slept there even with a football game on and Emma's shenanigans occurring around her. 

Emma is a totally different animal. 
She refuses to acknowledge the sickness. 
She had a fever of 101 for three straight days last week and you never would have known it. 
I felt guilty being home from work with her because she was her usual (trouble-making) self, just 3 degrees too warm. 

Emma does NOT rest when she is ill. 
Emma refused naps twice. 
She doesn't sleep through the night under normal circumstances, so being sick only makes matters worse. 
Paul and I are zombies. 
But because in all dark moments, there is a ray of light, God made our girlies HILARIOUS when sick. We had a hard time keeping a straight face when they were crying with sickness due to the hilarious things they said. 
Here are our favorites: 
Lexi: "Why is this happening to me?"
Lexi: "This just needs to stop!"
Emma: "Oh Man!"

Here's hoping our quarantine is over soon! 
my apologies for the phone photography

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Oh the Places You'll Go . . . .

The theme in Pre-K this week must be Transportation. 

Lexi came home with a great drawing of a truck and a car - I was super impressed. 

Then she pulled this little treasure out of her backpack: 

She said it was her "suit-bag" . . . .. Lexi, you mean suitcase but, whatever, what is it?

She said she got to cut out pictures of things she would take with her if she went on a trip. 

She chose: 
"baby snacks"
Kimora Lee Simmons
two bottles of what I thought at first glance was shampoo. 
Nope, that's not shampoo. 

She cut out not ONE, but TWO bottles of wine. 
Sauvignon Blanc to be exact. 

Geez, Lex!

Monday, January 14, 2013

In Your Face

 I know I'm partial as their Momma, but I think my kids have pretty cute faces. 
I also know that if they are going to grow up to be models and internationally acclaimed film stars I have to protect their faces. 

Unfortunately I am not doing such a great job of this. 
I blame our fireplace. 

Our fireplace is all brick, and those bricks are somehow razor sharp. We had a fireplace just like this growing up and my brother cut his face/head open no less than 3 times on the treacherous brick. My dad even bought foam bumper padding to go over the brick on MY fireplace because he didn't want the same thing that happened to my brother to happen to his grand-daughters. 
But my girls kept pulling the padding pieces off and wearing them around the house like skis. 
True Story. 
So the padding wasn't really doing any good on their feet, so we took it away. 

But like I was saying - I haven't protected their faces well enough. Lexi busted her chin open on this brick monster when she was two and last night was Emma's turn. She was siting on the fireplace and tried to roll off and gave her self a fat lip. I was sitting right next to her and didn't think much of it - she hardly touched the bricks! 
When she started crying I looked down and there was blood everywhere! She had cut her lip and scraped her chin and face on those stupid stupid bricks. 

Once I cleaned up the crime scene, I realized that the cut was minor but she must have bumped herself pretty hard because her whole lip is swollen. 

my poor baby girl - you get extra loving and cookies until your face heals, ok?

Friday, January 4, 2013

Let me in

For reals - this is the story of Roxy's life right now.

She is a total winter dog - LOVES the cold weather and snow, but she is also a bit of a princess and likes her warm comfy spots to nap.

I think I have let her out every 10 minutes for the past week.

I saw this on Pinterest and laughed  . . . then cried . . . then sighed . . . because it is SSSOOO my dog.

Fancy Friday

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


So in life we all have that go-to phrase that we use in certain situations. Those tough times when things don't go your way, or you stub your toe, or you delete over 850 pictures from your blog.

For most people that go-to is a swear word. I appreciate a well-used swear word. Sometimes I even appreciate ones that aren't well used. My favorite college professor once told me they provide emphasis.

Now unfortunately, I live in a house of repeaters (aka children). That pretty much makes swear words, in times in need of emphasis or not, off limits. I'm also a teacher, so yeah . . . I don't get to play those reindeer games.

So when I heard my little Lulu say "darn-it," my eyeballs about popped out of my skull. SHe said she heard a boy at school say it. We had a discussion about better words to use when things don't go your way, and I haven't heard that phrase since.

BUT, I have heard her own little saying - Lexi's go-to is 'Sparkles!'

Isn't that adorable?

"Sparkles! There is a hole in my leggings!"

"Sparkles! Mom, my milk spilled."

"Sparkles! I colored Cinderella's dress pink instead of blue!"