Friday, December 28, 2012

Apples and Trees

It's pretty universally recognized that Lexi is my mini:

me - circa 1989
Lexi - 2012

But truth be told I've always been a little confused by Emma's sweet looks. She has blond hair and blue eyes and looks NOTHING like me. Now the blue eyes are understandable; Paul's eyes are blue and I have a light-eyed recessive trait (I did the square - I paid attention in Science class sometimes). But the blond hair? How is that even a possibility when Paul and I have dark dark brown hair? Paul tried to assure me that his hair was lighter when he was little but I didn't believe him (I'm notorious for ignoring things Paul says that later turn out to be true). 

When we were in Columbus for Christmas I found this: 
Oh yeah - that is baby Paul.

Emma and Paul side by side. WOW. They are kind of the exact same looking. WEIRD.

 So Emma must be Paul's mini - except that she's a girl, of course.

But that explains where she got her fashionable instincts . . . .

and her tendency towards orneriness.

I told Paul it was like the puppies at the end of "Lady and the Tramp." You know the last scene where they have this litter of puppies and half of them are little cockier-spaniel pups and the others are grey mutt pups? I always thought that was dumb and impossible - the puppies clearly would have mixed genetics and therefore not resemble solely ONE parent and not the other. 

I was wrong. 
But now the real question is - who is the purebred and who is the mutt?

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