Thursday, September 20, 2012

The family that sniffles together . . .

 Long time, no blog, huh? 

Well I wish I could say we have been busy having amazing adventures and I could post some fabulous pictures of that fun Holding family. 

But I can't. We haven't done anything blog-worthy for the past week. Everyone has had some allergy issues that have kept us pretty unavailable for fun. When the weather was lovely last week, we had our windows open. And ever since - the noses, they have been a runnin'. 

Paul's allergies are manageable with some over the counter meds. 

Lexi was sniffling for a few days, and then coughing, and now her little voice is all raspy and whispery. It's so sad . . . but oddly quiet around here.

Emma has it the worst. She has a bunch of teeth coming in, so the amount of drool she produces is insane! Combine that with an allergy-induced runny nose and watery eyes  - do we have one messy lady! She's a trooper though - she's still giggly and silly, just a bit of a mess. 

And me? Well I am a terrible sleeper. I sleep very lightly (no really - if one of the kids coughs I am wide awake) and have a tendency to wake up in the middle of the night and not be able to get back to sleep. So I take a Benadryl every night before bed to help me sleep - this must be the miracle reason I have yet to be afflicted with the allergy epidemic that has struck the rest of my family.

 So that's us right now. Sniffling through our days, but doing it together.

and one more thing . . . 
 Doesn't she look cute in this outfit? 

I have been sending her to the babysitter in comfy clothes since she hasn't felt well and I wanted her to be able to rest as comfortable as possible. 
Well on Tuesday her pants were too short, her tummy was sticking out of her too-small t-shirt, and I was running late and didn't have time to hunt down a cuter outfit so I sent her to the babysitter dressed in a look that could only be described as "homeless chic."

That was my wake-up call. I needed to get back in the dress-the-baby-cute game. I tried a little harder and the effect was precious.

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