Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

 A very well loved Daddy turned 30 this weekend and he had two little party people to help him celebrate.
 We kept things pretty mellow, much to the disappointment of all, I'm sure. I did not plan a surprise party and I think I was supposed to - oops. I hate surprise parties and I assumed Paul (and the rest of humanity) did too. I was wrong. Luckily - I get to try again next year . . . and the year after that . . . and so on - I have a lot of birthdays to get this right.
 My parents took the babies for the night and we met up with some friends at a bar down the street to celebrate Paul's triple decade existence.
 On Monday, his actual birthday, we went out to dinner (big mistake - I forgot my kids have the attention span of gnats) and had cake back at our house.
 For his birthday, I re-activated the XM on his new car. I wanted him to have something to open though so I had Lexi help me pick out a new travel coffee mug for Paul - she did a good job choosing a Wildcat cup.
 HOWEVER, she told me what she REALLY wanted to get Daddy was a "Prince Barbie" because he "would LOVE it" and then be able to play Barbies with her. Apparently the lack of a Prince Barbie is the only thing that has been holding Paul back from jumping in there to play Barbies with Alexis.

 Happy Birthday Daddy! 

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