Sunday, August 26, 2012

One down, 35 to go . . .

. . . . Because a school year is 36 weeks long, you know. Oh you didn't know that? You must not be a teacher and have to enter grades every week with assignment titles like "Journal Week 1". This is neither here not there - there are 36 weeks in a school year, and my point is that we have made it 1/36th of a school year. 

How did it go? 

Since I am only working in the afternoons this year, my babies get to sleep in and we get to spend a lot more quality time together.
 So we can read books . . .

 and play around with the camera . . .

 and give Lexi lots of time to wake up. 

Lulu is not a morning person. Trying to wake her up, dress her, make her eat breakfast, etc. all before 6:45 a.m. last year about drove Paul and I crazy. She will not be rushed, and she will not cooperate early in the morning. So our arrangement this year is blissful. She wakes up on her own (around 8:15), meanders down to the couch for 30 minutes, and eats a leisurely breakfast. 
This works SO much better for us.

And our weekend rocked. 
We got to spend a lot of stress-free time as a family. 
Things are going very well for us so far this year. 
To celebrate, my chick-a-dees wore their matching jammies.
 I love matching jammies - this is known. 

Lexi also worked on her Pre-K homework. Coloring, cutting, and gluing (did you know that there is not an 'e' in gluing? I just found that out)
Daddy assisted. So precious. 

Maybe not a masterpiece, 
but she's come a long way in the staying-in-the-lines department. 
I particularly enjoy the purple squirrel and pink owl - it's so Lexi.

Happy weekend, everyone! 

I hope your first week back to school went as well as ours!

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