Wednesday, August 15, 2012

All good things . . .

 With summer winding down, I realized I needed some updated candids of my babies. We have a had a wonderful, relaxing, fun summer but school starts tomorrow so I guess the party is officially over. 

I am so lucky! This year I get to work part-time. That means that I will only be working in the afternoons which is when Lexi will be in school (she is going to Pre-K every afternoon). Emma will go to our same babysitter - who she loves now - for a few hours every afternoon, but that means I only miss lunch and naptime with her. 

This is the perfect situation for me - last year I was about in tears every day. I was getting my babies up before 6 a.m. to get out the door and across town to work on time. When we got home I was busy doing housework, answering school e-mails, making dinner, doing laundry, Etsy orders, etc. I barely got any time with my girls. 

They aren't little forever - so I am so thankful to be able to get a few extra HOURS every day with them. For the first time since Lexi was born, I'm not a crying stressed-out mess the night before school starts.

And so with a happy heart, I can actually say: 
Welcome Back to School!!!

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