Friday, March 2, 2012

Sleep is for the Weak

So you can't tell it by these happy, smiley photos but our dear Emma has had a rough couple of weeks. 

On Friday February 16th, I took Emma in for her 9 month checkup. Which meant that we were in the doctor's office, exposed to the germs of many children. 
I'm a germ-a-phobe. 
I hate going to the doctor's office because of the potential for germs. 

Anyways, I'm sure she picked something up while we were there, because by Sunday her nose was running like a faucet. 
Nice visual, huh? 

 I'm sure Paul is to blame for that fact that Em has food ALL OVER her face in this pic.

So, because she was so miserable with the congestion, she slept not a wink Saturday or Sunday night. We caved and let her sleep in the bed with us after a couple hours of screaming each night. It's the only thing that soothes her.

By Monday, things were even worse. 
Apparently, when babies swallow their own snot, it can upset their stomach and make them puke. 
All over themselves. 
And the bed. 
And me. 

 When I called the doctor they said to put a humidifier in her room, give her lots of water, and a basic diet. 

That stopped the vomiting, but not the screaming. 
By Wednesday, I knew things were not right, so I left work to take her to the doctor. 
She had a temp of 102. 
An hour and a half before she had been normal. 

I was told to watch her closely for seizures, because with her temperature changing so drastically, she would probably seize. Thank goodness, she did not. I was a mess for 48 hours though - seizure watch is not my idea of a good time. 

After a check in Emma's ears, the doctor told me, "No wonder she's been throwing up and screaming - her right ear has a pretty nasty infection."

A week of antibiotics, a lot of pain and fever meds, and tears from both of us later - she's mending. 

Not sleeping well yet, but we'll get there. 

I'm sleep-training her for the 3rd time this weekend. Because Momma can't live on 4 hours a night. 

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