Sunday, December 4, 2011

You lost your walls and windows

FYI - these pictures have nothing to do with this post - my babies have just grown since last you saw them. 

I have always known that God would give me a child that embarrassed me. I know this because I did all sorts of (hilarious!) things that embarrassed my mother when I was a child. 

I think I still embarrass her. 

Hi, mom! I love you! Don't fall into the Christmas tree this year! 

told ya. 
I earned it. 

Well, last week we were driving home from school and pulled up to a stop light. The gentleman who stopped next to our car was (clearly insane) driving a convertible with the top down. 

My darling three year old girl decided this just would not do! She pushed the button to roll down her own window (I do normally keep that function disabled, but on this particular afternoon it was not) and LOUDLY shouted to the driver of the convertible, 
"HEY! You lost your walls and windows! Just thought you should know!" 

I have never prayed for a green light so hard in my life!
Walls and windows, indeed! 

Lulu enjoying her breakfast

Lexi also tasted Orange soda pop for the first time last night. I do not usually let her have pop or anything sugary. She is a strictly milk, watered down (sugar free) juice, and water kind of gal. If you have ever met her you understand - she needs no extra sugar. She's sweet (and hyper) enough, already. 

Well, after one giant sip of that sugary drink, her face lit up like Christmas and she declared,
 "Oh! This makes me feel so nervous!" 

Not a clue what she meant. But I told her it made me nervous that she was drinking pop, too. Paul did inform me that Orange soda is a gateway drug and I have now pushed our daughter onto the path of sugary destruction. whoops.

More delightful thoughts from a three year old: whenever Lexi doesn't like something, she tells us "This is NOT happily ever after!" 

Emma update:

Emma is almost 7 months old and she just started crawling this weekend. She's been on the verge for ages! She's still a little shaky, but my baby is mobile! 

She is also sitting pretty well by herself and sleeping (finally). 
She's an excellent eater. 
Her eyes are still blue.
Isn't she a hunny? 
(yes, that was misspelled on purpose. I like the way Pooh bear spells it better, thank you).

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