Friday, December 30, 2011

I'll Have A Flu Christmas

Since all has been so quiet on the Holding Blog front, I'm sure you are all so terribly curious as to what we've been up to! No, we didn't go on a fabulous vacation - we just all had the flu.
On Christmas.
It was horrible.
I might cry.

Friday started off well enough - The ENTIRE Dunaway family went to meet my brother and his wife at the airport. It was their first time home since their wedding in September and we have missed them like crazy. The little girls - Lexi and her cousin Chloe especially.


After this adorableness, we headed back to my parents to just hang out. The girls got to play dress up, Emma got to attack a new tree, and my nephew Trey was so disgusted by all of this girlishness he got to take a 3 hour nap.

 It was so much fun getting to hang out as a family of 12 (Holy cow! 12 people now???) and we left Friday night excited to do it all over again on Christmas Eve day.

But twas not to be.

Around 2 a.m Lexi and I both got sick. 
I could give details, but no one really wants that. 
Let's let the words STOMACH FLU suffice. 

By noon the next day, Lex was on the mend but ol' mom, here, took a little longer. I didn't get too long though because by that evening, Paul was feeling queasy. He took a turn Christmas morning and was down for the count by Sunday afternoon through Monday. He barely made it through opening presents. 

 We had an absurd amount of presents for the girls because we combined what is normally 3 different Christmases into one. 

It took almost 2 hours to open presents because Lexi would want to play with what she had just opened. Normally we would have let her but Paul was really not looking too good at this point and we tried to rush her as much as you can rush a 3 1/2 year old.

a few highlights:
 puppy from Aunt Kelly
 the girls new soft sided wagon. 
Emma was pumped!
and the main event - all Lexi has wanted, all she has ever mentioned wanting for Christmas is a doll castle. 
Very specifically mind you, castle - not house.
She declared this close enough.
She hasn't come up from the basement yet.
Well done, Santa, well done.

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