Saturday, November 26, 2011

What's that funny squeaky sound?

We spent the last 4 days with Paul's family down in Columbus. 
Being the worrier (one who worries) that I am, I am always terrified that our home will get broken into and burglarized while we are gone.

This time, my premonition came true. 

Here is a picture of the culprit: 

that's right. 
A squirrel made a vacation home out of our kitchen while we were away. 

I walked into the house first - after telling Paul how proud of him I was for locking all the doors to find a squirrel sitting in a pan of coffee cake on my kitchen counter top.

I promptly screamed, like a girl if you must know, and ran back into the garage while yelling "It's just like Christmas Vacation! There's a squirrel in our house!"

Paul, being the manly-man he is, went into the house to deal with the rodent. He took the dog with him. Being the coward she is, she took one look at that 3 pound squirrel, tucked her tail and ran upstairs. Yellow, I tell you, Yellow. 

The perpetrator apparently got in through the fireplace, pushed open the glass doors (seriously?) and helped himself to the contents of my coffee cake pan. 

So we spent the first hour home cleaning and quoting: 
"Have you vacuumed the floor yet?"

"Yeah - can you hear that funny squeaky sound?"

"Shut up. Hand me the Clorox wipes. You couldn't hear a dump truck driving through a nitroglycerin plant"

"Where's Eddie? He usually eats those things"

"No he heard they were high in cholesterol. Have you started the washing machine yet?"

Happy Thanksgiving 

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