Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011

Our 2011 Halloween was a LOT better than last year, which was more of a Hurl-O-Ween if you recall

Lexi finally decided on being a yellow ballerina

did you know it's not easy to find a YELLOW ballerina outfit? However, Lexi was very intent on her ballerina costume being of a sunny hue, so I found this one, and I think she looks lovely!

Emma was Angelina Ballerina:

We also FINALLY got our first family photo since May. 
Yeah, that's right. 
Emma was 8 hours old and I was still Epidural-ly numbed during our last picture. Do you know how hard it is to get Paul to agree, my hair to cooperate, Lexi's attention, and Emma looking at the camera in one single photo?
 well we didn't quite nail it, but it's an improvement over the hospital shot

We also got to see our friends Hil and Chris and their beautiful twins, Grace and Will (who are 5 days younger than Emma)

 We had a carefully planned trick-or-treating route, estimating it would take a 3 year old in a tutu 65 minutes to walk. We did not factor in that Emma was in A MOOD however, and that derailed the plans a bit. Emma made it about 1/3 of the way before she decided to scream and scream, and oh yeah - scream. 

Poor Paul looked like a baby snatcher as he pushed Emma in the stroller at a run back to the house while she wailed. 

Lexi finished trick-or-treating and that little pumpkin bucket weighed as much as Emma when we got home! She had a great time and told me, "I really really love this! Can we do it again tomorrow? I look really really pretty in my dress . . . people will love it!"

 And I couldn't let the little girls have ALL the fun! We got into the Halloween spirit at school on Monday by recreating the Royal Wedding (which was - is -  my obsession)

and yes, TD did already scold me for not ironing the dress - but since my domestic skills are sub-par at best, I was afraid of scorching her beautiful dress, which she was so kind to lend to the cause!

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