Monday, September 26, 2011

10 things . . . . .

I love that Lexi can make Emma belly laugh.
I hate that I can't.
 I love spending snuggle time with each of my girls.
I hate that it usually happens in the middle of the night 
(teething and nightmares).

I love watching my babies' personalities develop.
I hate how fast they are growing up.

I love my long hair (thank you 11 months of prenatal vitamins!).
I hate that Emma is in a hair pulling stage. 

 I love all the new things Lexi is learning in preschool.
I hate that I am not the first one to hear all about her day.

I love nap time (I get so much accomplished!)
I hate that it's not mandated for adults to also nap.

I love that fall television has started back!
I hate that I have no time to watch it.

I love Lexi in her school uniform.
I hate that so few get to see how she likes to dress herself 
(pink, sparkles, and tutus = everyday wear)

I love our new treadmill.
I hate that the results are not instant.

I love that Emma smiles, laughs, and blows bubbles now.
I hate that this means she's not my little tiny baby anymore.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Emma Jelly-Beans

4 Months old, Baby! 

I sing this song to her a lot. It's who she is.

 I've always called Emma my little Pooh Bear. 

She is short
23.5 inches (10th percentile) 

15 pounds (60th percentile) 

proud of that

 Emma Jelly-Beans is lots of fun. 
(side-note: Emma's full name is Emma Josephine, 
but Lexi can't say that. 
So she's always called her Emma Jelly-Beans. 
The name stuck. We love it.) 
She smiles at everything and generally has the sweetest disposition. She is just learning to roll around and unfortunately has figured out how to scoot around on her tummy (kind of a pre-crawling). 
Good for Em, bad for Momma. 
I'm not ready for two movers just yet.

As Lexi says, "she's kinda loud"
Emma is a bit of a screech owl. 
She likes to practice using her vocal cords at a variety of pitches and volumes, but her favorite is high and loud. 
I cannot say that it is also my favorite.

 Lexi really really loves her sister now. How could you not, though? She likes to give her hugs and Eskimo kisses. 
She continues to be disappointed that Emma can't play with her yet. Someday, sister, someday all too soon you will be upset because Emma does want to play with you.

 She is waking up once a night still, sometimes twice. 
It's a grueling schedule for Mommy and Daddy, but we take turns so we each end up with a decent night's sleep every other night. 
It's not my favorite thing. 

However, for this sweet little pumpkin, I would do anything. 
It's hard to be upset with her when you walk in to a crying baby who stops to smile and giggle as soon as she sees your face.

so happy
with Uncle Scottie

You don't know unless you know, you know?

So I have been informed that my hyper-link-age is too subtle. 

So here's the breakdown: 
if you see something written in purple, 
roll your mouse over it and click. 

You will like it. 

Or at the very least  you will roll your eyes 
and chuckle 
and think "that silly Megan!"
Or whatever. 

so clickety-click-click-click away my friends. 

start here

or here

or here 

Remember to click on things that are purple

Happy hyper-linking!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Ba-NANA-s. B.A.N.A.N.A.S.

You might not know this, but my mom is awesome. Really. If you know her, you know. 
My dad is too, in case you were wondering.
She is especially awesome because she likes to take Lexi to do all kinds of things that terrify Paul and I as parents. Because we know our kid. 

Our kid who is basically a totally different, well-behaved, lovely, delightful person around her grandparents.

Nana and Lexi's Excellent Adventure Weekend September 10 &11, 2011 

Saturday: Toy Story 3 on ICE!
"I wook wike Jessie!"

the only way to guarantee the kid stays still - popcorn!
sheer joy - Nana is the coolest

Sunday: Tanganyika Wildlife Park 
(it's like a zoo where you can touch stuff) 

eww. eww. and more eww. 
I made her wash her hands before she hugged me when she got home. 
she named him "No Feet"

 precious because her favorite animal is a giraffe. 

Does an alpaca's doorbell go 'llama-llama-ding-dong'?
 ducks and fish (if you couldn't tell) 

 the tortoise 
I like the way my dad is holding her back
as if the turtle is going to charge.
I love you, Dad.

 AND perhaps the coolest part . . . 


Monday, September 12, 2011

Love and Memories

As previously posted, 
my brother got married on September 3rd, 2011. 
It was a beautiful wedding and the reception was rockin'. 

My brother is 3 years younger than me, 
a Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps, 
an amazing uncle, 
one of the best friends I've ever had, 
and a very lucky officer and a gentleman  
(get it - I think I'm funny, most others disagree) 
to be married to his beautiful wife, Alyssa.

We were so happy to be there to celebrate their day with them, and brought our own special kind of joy in the form of our daughter who co-served as a flower girl. 
She has a joy for life.

She brought her bouquet with her to preschool last week for show-and-tell. She told everyone that she married "her Scottie" and that she was a princess just like "her Alyssa"

Because Scott is a Marine, there is a special tradition of welcoming the bride - a "kiss" - into the USMC. ouch.
She took that one like a champ.

The reception was gorgeous - seriously could have been in the pottery barn catalog (which is a high compliment - I am obsessed with the pottery barn catalog - like OBSESSED). 

 these were special tables for the Marines in attendance. Who, btw, can party. for real.
so exciting!
 sorry for the blur - but even out of focus, they are lovely.

 the boy can dance
you can't tell, but they cut the wedding cake with his Marine sword. Awesome. 
Paul remarked that he wished he had a legitimate reason to carry a sword. 

Amazing dance - everyone was ready to party and OMG - we did!

 siblings. love.
my family rocks

also amazing - my dancing skills. 
That's right.  
Don't be jealous.
  And yeah, I did teach them how. 
Me and the bride. 
That's how I roll.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Saturday, September 10, 2011

keep HOLDING on

 Sorry I have been so awful about updating- there was a whole week that went by when no one did anything interesting, so nothing to share there. Then it was WEDDING WEEK for my brother and new sister in law and lots happened, but there was no time to update. 

Time to play catch-up!

One of my favorite times of day is the drive to school in the mornings. 
Lexi loves to converse in the car and I almost always have a Lexi-ism to share by the time I get to work. 
Here are a few: 

 - me: "Lexi, what is Emma doing?"
    Lexi: "Oh, just hanging out"

 - Emma was babbling away one morning in her carseat and Lexi yells, "EMMA! What do you MEAN?!" 

 - "Mom, here's my shoulder and here's my face and here's my neck! . . . MOM! Emma no have a neck!"

 - "Emma is a baby, Roxy is a dog, Daddy is a boy, and Mommy is . . . . MEGAN!"

Lexi also has funny things to say at other times of the day as well (exhibit A and exhibit B):

 - Lexi was a little too loving at school the other day, when we asked her if she got in trouble at school that day she said "Yeah, I did." When we asked her why, she said "I was kissing Mason." I later found Paul and Lexi on the back porch having a very deep and serious conversation. You can guess the topic. Poor Paul. 

 - When we were leaving to go to a wedding, Lexi was upset that she didn't get to come. I told her it was just for adults, no little kids could come. She sweetly said, "Just one little girl?"

 - She wandered into the school library one morning before preschool and loudly exclaimed, "Oh it's so beautiful here!" 

 - I asked Paul what time it was, Lexi yells "TIPPY TOE TIME" from across the room and proceeded to start dancing exuberantly all over the house.

 - More to come on this later, but she was one of the flower girls in my brother's wedding. I was crazy stressed about her making it down the aisle, but she did great. I should have been stressed about what happened when she made it to the altar. She curtsied to Jesus while my niece began a loud chorus of "YAY" that Lexi promptly joined in. See the awesomeness here.

Emma is going in for her 4 month checkup this week, so I'll have a whole post for just her later.
For now, just check out those baby-blues.

Love her. 
Just love her.