Sunday, October 19, 2014

Emma 1st trip to the Pumpkin Patch

Believe it or not, Miss Emma had never been to the pumpkin patch until her preschool class took a field trip last week. 

I don't like crowds. I don't like strangers. I really hate crowded crowds of strangers. Pumpkin patches are full of those things on October weekends so we have never ever (n.e.v.e.r.) made the trip as a family.

I took the afternoon off and went with EJ and her class. I felt this was the only option available to me because not only was this her FIRST field trip but Emma's older sister managed to injure herself nearly every year she went on a field trip to the pumpkin patch. If my cautious little Lexi could get hurt, can you imagine the dangers that awaited her far more reckless sister? 

Emma had a great (injury free) time. She actually fell down a few times and somehow managed to run smack into a wall, but she didn't cry and was off to the next amazing activity within moments. I joked to another parent that Emma Jo is made of rubber. 

 Emma and her preschool homies - waiting to be let in to the Pumpkin Patch

 It was so hot. Obviously because this darling duo was in attendance. (insert laugh track)

 Emmers and her pumpkin. Unlike Lexi who wandered all over looking for her perfect pumpkin, Em just grabbed the first one that wasn't covered in dirt and was done.

 I still don't understand why this is fascinating but maybe that is because I'm not 3. 

 The patch crew

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