Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Summer Starting line


This has been perhaps the LEAST epic start to summer vacation that there ever was . . . 

As per my usual, I spent the first 5 days in a haze of overwhelming exhaustion. The end of the school year is a flurry of activity and deadlines and I am generally guilty of pushing myself so hard to get it all done that by the time I am "officially" on summer break I am too tired to do anything for at least a week. 

We made a day trip down to Southeast Kansas on Saturday May 24th. We spent a few hours at Paul's Grandma's house where the girls played with their cousins then we headed over to Chanute to see my grandparents. 
Emma has not fallen asleep in the car since she was maybe 4 months old. That is, until THIS DAY. She fell asleep when we were about 10 minutes away, and this teensy tiny nap was all she had for the day. 

Aside from the one day trip, we haven't done much else. The girls and I have been keeping mostly to the house - an errand once or twice a week, but so far no pool, park, or zoo trips. 

I'm sure you are wondering "why?" 
I promise it's not that I am trying to impose my hermit-y ways upon them (but you won't catch me complaining about the lack of activity). In the past, when we have ventured from our house, I have preferred to go out in the mornings when the weather is still relatively cool and the crowds aren't too obnoxious yet (in addition to my hermit-like qualities, I also detest large groups of people and sweating).
Mostly we haven't been out in the mornings because my dear Alexis has become quite the sleeper. She is still going to bed by 8:00 at night, but she has been sleeping in until 8:00 am or later every day. It then takes her at least an hour, maybe more to eat breakfast and truly wake up. So most days, it is 9:30 or 10:00 before we could even think of going anywhere. 

Emma has been sleeping in, too. But for Em, sleeping in means 6:00 or 6:30 (instead of 5:00 am). I could choose to get up and get ready before my children wake up, but I just can't seem to make myself. 10 months out of the year I am awake by 5:00 every morning - either to get ready for work or to run. Right now, I am letting sleep win . . . and not feeling too terribly guilty about it. 
Another huge reason we haven't been out and about: Emma's horrific head cold. She started coming down with this about a week into summer and by yesterday, she was a snot-splosion! She was leaking from her nose, eyes, and ears! I took her to the doctor and a few antibiotics later, her infections should be clearing up. I haven't wanted to risk her getting worse (her seasonal allergies are pretty sensitive) or causing a West Wichita epidemic. She might be the carrier monkey from outbreak.

So the Holding girls have been taking it quite easy these first couple of weeks of summer - lots of coloring, painting, dolls, play-doh, blocks, and movies.  

Lexi also lost her 2nd tooth this week! This time was just as traumatic as the first one - we had to coax her into letting us pull it for a full 30 minutes! Once it was out, she dramatically sighed and put the back of her hand on her forehead and declared, "Whew! I'm glad that's over!"

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