Monday, March 31, 2014

3-0 sick-o

There is no photographic evidence of it, but I turned 30 last week. I had been experiencing extreme, life-crippling dread for weeks months prior and gave very specific instructions that no big deals or gestures were to be made. Everyone humored me (and only made a small deal out of my birthday) and I very much expected that I would turn the big 3-0 calmly, quietly, and with the grace befitting someone of my advanced age.

But sometimes my plans don't work out. On Wednesday night, the night of my birthday, Emma started throwing up while I was trying to put her to bed. My poor girl was up until past 3:00 a.m. heaving. I ended up sleeping on her floor because she is still so little and you can't really just hand an (almost) 3 year old a barf bucket and wish them well, you know? I woke up the next morning with the realization that my 20's were TRULY over: I hurt everywhere from sleeping on the floor. I seriously used to be able to sleep comfortably anywhere - cars, desks, floors, stairwells. But no more.

I stayed home from work Thursday to help Emma (and my old lady back) recuperate.

On Saturday, I celebrated overcoming my fear of being 30 by running 11 miles that morning and then ice skating with Lexi for an hour and a half. More old lady hurts happened that day, but I felt pretty good; a yucky start to the decade, but I wasn't going to let a little illness mess with my new mature outlook. But what also happened that day was Paul got sick. He got home from running and looked like death with a side of awful - pale, clammy, white lips, swaying slightly. Oh yes - he had gotten sick. He was down for the count through Sunday morning.

And Sunday morning was exactly when Lexi started throwing up. 5:00 a.m. on Sunday, to be exact. So sweet Lexi slept, shivered, and "spit" (what my kids call throwing up - ???) her way through all of Sunday.

I told Paul that I am distinctly underwhelmed by turning 30. Out of the 5 days since I turned 30 - 4 of them have involved cleaning up vomit. None of it my own. So, I guess that means it's all uphill from here? right?

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