Monday, March 31, 2014

3-0 sick-o

There is no photographic evidence of it, but I turned 30 last week. I had been experiencing extreme, life-crippling dread for weeks months prior and gave very specific instructions that no big deals or gestures were to be made. Everyone humored me (and only made a small deal out of my birthday) and I very much expected that I would turn the big 3-0 calmly, quietly, and with the grace befitting someone of my advanced age.

But sometimes my plans don't work out. On Wednesday night, the night of my birthday, Emma started throwing up while I was trying to put her to bed. My poor girl was up until past 3:00 a.m. heaving. I ended up sleeping on her floor because she is still so little and you can't really just hand an (almost) 3 year old a barf bucket and wish them well, you know? I woke up the next morning with the realization that my 20's were TRULY over: I hurt everywhere from sleeping on the floor. I seriously used to be able to sleep comfortably anywhere - cars, desks, floors, stairwells. But no more.

I stayed home from work Thursday to help Emma (and my old lady back) recuperate.

On Saturday, I celebrated overcoming my fear of being 30 by running 11 miles that morning and then ice skating with Lexi for an hour and a half. More old lady hurts happened that day, but I felt pretty good; a yucky start to the decade, but I wasn't going to let a little illness mess with my new mature outlook. But what also happened that day was Paul got sick. He got home from running and looked like death with a side of awful - pale, clammy, white lips, swaying slightly. Oh yes - he had gotten sick. He was down for the count through Sunday morning.

And Sunday morning was exactly when Lexi started throwing up. 5:00 a.m. on Sunday, to be exact. So sweet Lexi slept, shivered, and "spit" (what my kids call throwing up - ???) her way through all of Sunday.

I told Paul that I am distinctly underwhelmed by turning 30. Out of the 5 days since I turned 30 - 4 of them have involved cleaning up vomit. None of it my own. So, I guess that means it's all uphill from here? right?

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Emma's Prayers

I was checking a few emails and I could hear Emma babbling - when I went to check on her, she was just repeating her Angel of God prayer over and over. Paul has been working on this prayer with her before bedtime every night, and I would say she has got it!

Being the type of mom I am (crazy obsessed with filming them), I quickly grabbed my phone to record her prayerfulness.

She gets a little camera shy, so you really have to listen. You also really have to ignore the fact that she is still in her nightgown (this kid LIVES in her jammies). Also ignore the fact that she has taco soup all over her face . . . I'm just happy she had been eating because that is never a guarantee with Emma Jo.

Ice Skating Update

My little girls are still loving their ice skating lessons. Emma sometimes wakes up in the mornings (around 5:00 a.m. . . . . ) and the first question out of her mouth is "We go skating today?"

They look forward to it all week, and honestly so do I! They are both doing really really well - Lexi taught herself to skate backwards yesterday. Emma manages to stay on her skates (not the ice) about 75% of the class time, which is amazing considering she isn't even 3 yet.

As promised, here is a video of Lexi skating:


She's the little one in all purple. My favorite part is the half spin and backwards skate towards the end.