Monday, October 28, 2013

October is not my month

 I wish I could tell you that I haven't updated because we have been busy doing fabulous, amazing things that only fabulous, adventurous people do . . . but, I can't . . . because that would be lying. 

We have been busy - but not fabulously so! Lexi started basketball and in addition to dance that dedicates two weeknights and a Saturday morning to her activities. 
ready for her first game of the season! 

Paul and I are still running fools - three more weeks until the last race of the season (a 10 mile race just before Thanksgiving). Once that is over, we are slowing way down - until February when we will amp back up for the spring series. 
Yeesh . . . what have I gotten myself into?!? 

I had to look through my phone to recall our happenings - that's how blurry October has been for us! If it wasn't documented via Instagram, then it didn't happen. #hashtagsarestupid

Emma found stickers and THIS kept her busy for 15 minutes: 
I'm a mom - I have no shame.

I took a morning off work and went with Lexi on the Kindergarten Pumpkin Patch Field Trip. I dislike the Pumpkin Patch because Lexi manages to get hurt every year (CASE and POINT). 

 This year's perfect pumpkin!



This year was injury free, but we both came home with the beginnings of a cold. 

This Monday morning post is brought to you courtesy of that same cold, which Lexi was so kind to share with her sister.
Emma gets a sick day at home with Mommy. 
 See those snot-sticky cheeks? 
The red skin under her eyes? 
We are headed to the doctor in about an hour. 

Emma has double ear infections. That totally explains the snot-splosion and fever. 

Instead of our usual Trick or Treating at the Zoo the weekend before Halloween we had to switch things up because of Emma Jo's cold. The girls had a dress rehearsal at Nana and Papa's instead!
 Ladybug Girl and Sofia the First!

This Kid: 
still a crazy person. 
A HAPPY crazy person, but definitely giving me a run for my money. 
Love her, though!


This Kid: 
Still the world's slowest eater. 
Loves Kindergarten and is learning to read. 
She makes me cry Mommy Tears of Happiness. 
Love her, too. 

And me? 
What's new with me? 
How kind of you to ask! 
Well I have a new found love obsession with all things leopard print. 
As I told the girls at work:

 I'm not sure exactly when I boarded the train for New Jersey, but I'm not getting off!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Wildcat Weekends and Busy Days

 This past (blur of a) weekend, we took Lexi to her first K-State game! It was so much fun to share the day with our little Wildcat. She entertained during the tailgating with some interpretive dancing routines and during the game she was able to meet Willie the Wildcat several times - once for an autograph! The game wasn't a win, but we had a great time!


Her Kindergarten school picture - she looks so much older than even last year's picture! 

I took my class on a field trip last week to the zoo - this addition to the petting zoo made me laugh out loud, snap a photo, and laugh some more. 

And then there's THIS guy: 

Paul ran his first ever race, a half marathon, on Sunday. He dominated 13.1 miles in 1 hour and 44 minutes, averaging an 8 minute mile. He placed 151st out of over 3000 runners and took 15th in his age category. We are so proud of him! 
Run, Daddy, run!

These kiddos are keeping us so busy - early mornings, busy days, and swiftly passing time.

Love my girls, but I wish time would slow down and let me enjoy spending a bit more time with them.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Oh look . . . a new post with a clever title

Paul was in Canada for work the past 9 days. I've survived without him for a week or so before, but never where I couldn't pick up the phone and call him anytime I wanted. I COULD have called, but we are cheap and 69 cents a minute is excessive. My texts only occasionally went through. Throw in being worried sick that the government shut down would include border patrol - meaning my husband couldn't get back in the country - and, for reals, I was a mess. By Wednesday (he left the previous Thursday) I was just throwing my hair up in a messy bun, putting on my glasses because wearing eye makeup took too long to apply, and hoping my shoes matched (or that I even had shoes on) - I called it 'desperation chic.'

My sweet, lovely, adorable children really put this Momma to the test during my stint as a single parent. Shout out to all of the rock star single parents out there - I think anyone who can manage a job, children, a house, and feeding said children is amazing.

Here are a few highlights:
Thursday - yeah, the DAY Paul left, Emma took her poopy diaper off and brought it to me . . . after smearing poop on the floor and herself. I gagged, threw her in the bathtub, gagged more, and attacked my house with Clorox vigorously. When I told Paul about this, he laughed (because he was in another country, I'm sure he felt laughing was safe - he was an acceptable distance away to do so) and said, "Well atleast it's all uphill from here - cleaning up poop is pretty much rock bottom." (pun intended I'm sure)

I took my kiddos grocery shopping twice. I must have amnesia because I try to do this all the time with the same disastrous results. Emma is DONE with the car cart by the produce section (the 1st stop). I switch my phone to airplane mode (no calls, no facetime, no internet) and give it to her which will entertain her for about 7 minutes. Now those car carts were not built for speed or maneuverability, but I treat Dillons like it's the Monaco Grand Prix  . . . watch out. I will take you out while trying to get as much stuff on my list as possible during that 7 minute window. When the magic 7 minute window closes, there is just a lot of screaming until we can finally check out and get back to the car. Everytime I leave, I think, "well THAT was a mistake." Yet, next week we will all be back. I'm a slow learner.

Lexi takes just forever to tell a story. The house could be on fire and it would take her 4 1/2 minutes to deliver that information.

I'm a great mom and I let my kiddos watch a lot of Disney movies while I did necessary chores (laundry, dishes, cooking, school/parent emails). It's not amazing parenting, but neither is letting my kids "help" or just not cleaning their clothes/dishes/house. Anyway, one day I let them watch Pocahontas. One song from the movie is called "Savages." The only word Lexi and Emma could remember from that lyrical wonder was the word 'savages' and they went everywhere scream-singing the word savages for about a day. Bet that was a fun day in Kindergarten.

My parents are/were amazing and helped out a ton! They took my girls for a few hours on Sunday so I could sneak in a run and get more chores and errands done - they did the same on Tuesday afternoon. My mom made the trek way east to pick up my girls 3 days in a row because I had meetings or parent-teacher conferences until late into the evening. I owe what little sanity I still have to my parents.

Lots more ridiculousness to share, but these are the highlights. Picture less highlights, but highlights none the less. I am so excited for Paul to be home . . . and he just told me he has to go back in 2 weeks.