Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Lost Month of August

Oh dear . . . school started again and everything blog related slipped right out of my mind. 
Here is a quick catch-up to what we have been up to: 

My mom and I took Lexi to see 'Mary Poppins' a couple weekends ago. Lexi loves this movie and taking her to see the stage show was wonderful. She stood up and clapped at the end of every song and at the end of the show she refused to leave. I think I found my little theater buddy. 

We only JUST took both of our kids out to eat without additional assistance. It was only Jason's Deli - which they love, and we love - but we still consider this a great accomplishment of 2013. 
Lexi entertained herself by taking pictures of her sister and a selfie for good measure.

Lexi's first day of Kindergarten went so well! She was excited, a little nervous, and super smiley! 
I held it together during drop-off, too. I was fine - Lexi was fine. 
However, when I checked her folder at the end of the day to see what she had done, I found a sweet little picture she drew and then I got a little teary eyed. Somehow I blinked and my little girl went from drawing squiggles and scribbles to pictures of princesses and palm trees. 

Going to all day kindergarten is kicking poor Lexi's buns. 
She has fallen asleep after school almost every day. 

Emma has decided to stop sleeping again. She goes to bed around 7:45 - 8:00, but she is waking up around 2 a.m. WIDE AWAKE. She wakes up ready to play, asking for toys, movies, anything but bedtime. Sometimes she will fall back asleep and sometimes she just stays up until 5:00 a.m. when we have to wake up to get ready. But then this happens: 
falling asleep in the big bed waiting on Momma to get ready.

Lexi started at a new ballet school this week. She was a little unsure about this change to a new studio, but she ended up loving it. She was a little sore the next morning, though. We took the summer off from dance classes and her new school has a one hour class instead of a 35 minute one.

My parents awesomely offered to keep our girls over night last weekend. Paul and I were super awesome and cool and spent the night off buying a new blender, getting pumped about eating candy that 'MAY CONTAIN PEANUTS' and going to bed early. We got up early the next morning to get in a 10 mile run, since we are training for a half marathon. Coolest kids in town.

 Lexi got to cash in her Kindergarten readiness workbook today. A local toy store offers this AMAZING deal where you buy the workbook that bridges summer break and if the kiddo finishes it they get any toy 1/2 off. It is standards based, the activities are varied, and I would endorse it without the toy incentive.
 Lexi chose a unicorn stick pony that clomps, whinnies, and makes other noises. 
It is so perfect for her!

 Emma continues her naughty streak, but is then extremely sweet. You can't stay mad at her for long.

 She was thrilled with the blanket fort her daddy set up for her in the basement. 
(shameless plug) You can purchase your own HERE.

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