I think the pictures on my phone sometimes tell the story of my life. So here's a glimpse into our latest nonsense:
Emma cannot sleep alone. She needs someone in her room with her in order to fall asleep. We sneak out after she finally dozes off. She wakes up a few times in the night and if it's past midnight, one of us goes to sleep in her room with her. We have a baby gate in front of her door, but girlfriend has a temper and busts that gate down. She did this one night and I HAD TO WORK (since she barely naps) so I ignored her while she cried next to my bed. I eventually shut down my laptop and checked on her and found her asleep on our bedroom floor.
More on the no-sleep. She was supposed to be napping this day - but woke up, found herself alone, and cried. A lot. So I snuggled her back to sleep. She slept like this for over an hour.
She does this weird walk where she bends over and shuffles her feet. We call it "the Emma Sneak"
Crashed in the car one day - maybe if you slept at night and during nap time, this wouldn't happen, Emma!
Stylin' Lady!
Took these at the park!
My mom and I go get pedicures about every 6 weeks from April - October. This time she wanted to take Lexi along. I was a little nervous about how she would handle everything but she loved it and kept everyone entertained while she got her fingers and toes painted (purple with white flowers and golden sparkles, in case you wanted to know).
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