Thursday, March 7, 2013

Scary Moments

I had to take Emma into the ER today.

She was being her normal adventurous self. I was being my usual running-around-trying to do everything at once self.

She was pulling out drawers on a dresser, just playing. I saw her and thought, 'I need to get over there - she might pull that down on top of her.'

and then she did.

I ran, shrieking, towards her and pulled the dresser off her with a strength I didn't know I had. I pulled her out from under the contents of the drawers, and here's the crazy thing - she immediately stopped crying. I couldn't let this type of accident go unchecked, so I grabbed Lexi's hand and pulled her out the door. We live about a mile and a half away from an ER and we made it there in less than 3 minutes.

Lexi still had curlers in her hair.
Emma wasn't wearing shoes.
My fingers were scraped and bleeding (and I didn't even know it).

Emma was talking and laughing by the time we got into the ER. She could stand and walk on her own. The doctors checked her out - no broken bones, no scrapes, not a scratch on her. They couldn't detect any signs of internal bleeding or head trauma. She's ok.

They gave both girls popsicles, checked Emma over again, and she was still ok.

We got a long list of symptoms to watch for over the next 24 hours that would indicate more serious injury, but so far she's fine.

But I'm not. The tears come, not because she's ok, but because I keep thinking - what if she wasn't? What if? I'm so thankful she is ok, don't get me wrong, but I just can't believe that she is, you know?

This was one of my scarier mommy moments to date. I can't stop my brain from traveling down that 'what if' path. I just have to keep remembering that my sweet baby is ok - and give thanks for that.

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