Thursday, March 21, 2013

Sharing, Shaking It, and All-Nighters


She's not real in to sharing those Cheerios with Roxy. 
Or anybody for that matter.


We watch a lot of "Tangled" - which is ok because it is my favorite Disney movie. The music is great and it is pretty funny! The songs during the credits bring out the dancing diva in Emma. 

Emma's sleep training is not going well. She was up - screaming - from 11 until 3 a.m. If her goal is to break me, she is succeeding.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

time MARCHES on

Nothing and everything has happened in the last few weeks. 

We have had four snow days, three bouts of the stomach flu, one trip to the ER, 12 trips to the grocery store, a broken garage door, and many many more small uneventful occurrences. 

Emma's sleeping is still concerning. When she learned how to vault out of her crib, she got moved to a toddler bed. She rolled out of there enough times for us to realize she is nocturnally mobile enough to require a larger bed. We got the twin mattress set up in her room, but now she had had three bed changes in as many days. Emma needs someone in there with her to sleep now - she screams and cries if she wakes up alone. After a few nights (and a very sore back) of sleeping on cushions next to her twin, Paul brought the queen sized mattress from the guest room into Emma's room. We take turns sleeping in there with her. We will sleep train her eventually, we just have to get to a point where one or both of us could survive without sleep for a few days. 

Lexi's ballet recital is in June and she is learning her routines in class right now. I love to watch her practice. She has really surprised me with how well she has done in dance class. She isn't a child prodigy or anything, but she loves to go to class and she works really hard while she is there. Soccer starts in a week, but I doubt she will show the same enthusiasm for that sport.

 Paul and I finally had a date night last weekend. We went to dinner and because we are old and tired, decided it would be awesome to go home and watch a movie UNINTERRUPTED by crying babies, pleas for water, coughing/sneezing, etc. We got shamrock shakes, too, to make it a really hip event. We are so cool. 

I haven't even had the drive or energy to get my camera out lately. iPhone pictures will have to suffice. 
That's just life right now. 
The End.

Emma photography. Paul lets her play with my phone while they hang out in "the comfy chair." Those are Paul's legs not mine, BTW. 

 She loves to dance . . . and make messes . . . and not sleep . . . and pull hair . . . and "help" with laundry. She is naughty, but precious. 

 All smiles from this one. She likes to please. 

 Sister loves. Roxy photo-bombs.

 Lexi's sad face. 
Funny story: she loves weddings. LOVES them. Lexi asked Paul why the daddy always walks the bride down the aisle and Paul said, "to give her away." Lexi broke down into a full cry, because she 'just loves our family and doesn't want anyone to give her away!'

 she fell asleep in the car on the way home from school a couple weeks ago. 

 Are you loving the way she is trying to edge the other front row kids out? 

 Paul tried to give me a heart-attack by loading the dishwasher this way. It's like he doesn't even know me. I took a picture and sent it to my family with the caption 'unacceptable'

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Scary Moments

I had to take Emma into the ER today.

She was being her normal adventurous self. I was being my usual running-around-trying to do everything at once self.

She was pulling out drawers on a dresser, just playing. I saw her and thought, 'I need to get over there - she might pull that down on top of her.'

and then she did.

I ran, shrieking, towards her and pulled the dresser off her with a strength I didn't know I had. I pulled her out from under the contents of the drawers, and here's the crazy thing - she immediately stopped crying. I couldn't let this type of accident go unchecked, so I grabbed Lexi's hand and pulled her out the door. We live about a mile and a half away from an ER and we made it there in less than 3 minutes.

Lexi still had curlers in her hair.
Emma wasn't wearing shoes.
My fingers were scraped and bleeding (and I didn't even know it).

Emma was talking and laughing by the time we got into the ER. She could stand and walk on her own. The doctors checked her out - no broken bones, no scrapes, not a scratch on her. They couldn't detect any signs of internal bleeding or head trauma. She's ok.

They gave both girls popsicles, checked Emma over again, and she was still ok.

We got a long list of symptoms to watch for over the next 24 hours that would indicate more serious injury, but so far she's fine.

But I'm not. The tears come, not because she's ok, but because I keep thinking - what if she wasn't? What if? I'm so thankful she is ok, don't get me wrong, but I just can't believe that she is, you know?

This was one of my scarier mommy moments to date. I can't stop my brain from traveling down that 'what if' path. I just have to keep remembering that my sweet baby is ok - and give thanks for that.