Saturday, December 28, 2013

Emma - the Tiger

Back in November, I asked our pediatrician what could be done about my Emma's breathing. She has had a runny nose since the day she was born, and snores and labors to breathe while she sleeps (to the point that she wakes herself up at night - and ME!). After getting x-rays of her nasal cavity and a referral to an Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor, we decided to have Emma's adenoids removed and put in some ear tubes (she gets a lot of ear infections because of the high amount of fluid in her head). 

We could have also removed her tonsils - they are pretty enlarged, but not obstructing her breathing. We decided to wait until she is older for that procedure to avoid her needing to stay in the hospital.

So on Friday we checked into the surgery center at 6 a.m. I know you must be thinking, "wow, that's so early" but we only had to get up an extra 30 minutes early. Emma doesn't sleep, remember? Also, it didn't really matter what time check in was going to be - I was awake. I had a difficult time sleeping for days prior to this; I was so nervous for Emma to be put under anesthesia even though an adenoidectomy is an extremely minor procedure.

She was rolling with things just fine until she had to change into the hospital gown. She was wearing her favorite princess footie pajamas, so naturally a hospital gown was not nearly as appealing. We finally wrestled her into the gown and once she calmed down, she noticed the gown had tigers on it. Emma has been telling us for WEEKS that she is a tiger - ask her to growl the next time you see her, you won't be disappointed. 
Gown crisis overcome, Emma the Tiger is happily playing with stickers and coloring, when the anesthesiologist (I spelled that correctly the FIRST time, FYI!) comes in and runs us down the procedure . . . at this point, I start to lose it. No tears, but my eyes were the size of SUV tires and I was petting Emma so vigorously I'm surprised she didn't get a bald spot. 
Shortly after the ENT doctor checked in with us, Emma was wheeled off on 'her adventure' and we were escorted back to the waiting room. I was too nervous to sit, so I started watching the news program that was playing. Not TWO MINUTES into the longest wait of my life, they start showing a story about a girl who is brain dead following a tonsillectomy. Somehow I had managed to not hear about this tragic story at all, even though it had been all over the news for days. When I looked at Paul with a face of horror, he just put his hand over his eyes, and whispered, "Seriously? Just 20 more minutes . . . " Apparently he had been actively keeping this story from me for a while because . . . well, because he knows me. 
Em's surgery goes fine - the doctor told us that everything went well, no complications, and by removing the adenoids she now has 75% more airway to breathe through. 

A short time later they escort us to the recovery "room" (a small, curtained portion of a room with 12 other beds). The escort was unnecessary, though, because we could hear Emma WAILING down the hallways. She was coming out of the anesthesia and was confused and angry. A nurse was attempting to hold her to calm her down. I swooped in and grabbed Emma, who thrashed first against me then Paul, to no avail. After 10 minutes of this intenseness (not a word), they gave her some Demerol to  calm her down. Whoa. 

She calmed down, her heart rate came down, and she slept hard for almost 30 minutes on top of me. I wasn't complaining - I wasn't about to let her go. 

Once she came to enough, we bundled her up and headed home around 8:00.
It was weird to see Emma so lethargic. She slept or rested without moving for almost 3 hours. My little tiger even 'purred' in her sleep: 

this is NOTHING compared to what it used to sound like, by the way. 

By noon, she was coming around: eating a little, playing with her toys. By 3:00 she was BACK. She kept asking for pizza - loudly and insistently. So when Paul got home, we took our little tiger out for pizza to celebrate her successful procedure.

So happy she can breathe (even though she is going to have dragon breath for a couple weeks). 
So happy it's over for my little tiger. 

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Frozen Date Night with Lexi

Paul and I took Lexi to see Frozen the Friday night before Christmas. We had wrapped up a Frozen story book, Frozen coloring book, and the movie tickets and had her open this present when Paul got home from work. My mom took Emma for the night so this was all about Lexi! 

She picked where we went to dinner - Jason's Deli, one of her faves! 

She loved the movie (so did we!) and we got to enjoy some one on one time with our oldest! 


Christmas Day 2013

Now presenting: The last of the Christmas 2013 posts . . . . except Scott and Alyssa aren't home yet . . .. so make that the penultimate Christmas 2013 post! 

On Christmas Day, my parents came over and we opened presents, ate, played, napped, watched Christmas movies, and ate more! It wasn't fancy or elegant, but it was perfectly relaxing and wonderful just the same. 

 Emma got her own umbrella from Nana and Papa - she immediately started calling it her kite - I'm guessing it's because Mary Poppins flies away during the ending scene of the movie while "Let's go fly a kite" is being sung . . . at least that's what I'm hoping for . . .
Papa is so funny!

 Sparkly new stocking cap for Lulu . . .

 . . . and a Minnie Mouse cap for Emma Jo!

Nana and Papa got Emma her OWN Kindle Fire. Lexi has one and Emma LOVES to play with it. As soon as Emma opened her own, Lexi yelled, "YAY! Emma you don't have to steal mine anymore!" 
Love that Christmas spirit!

Lexi got her own digital camera - she has over 100 pictures on it already. She's my budding photographer! 

Christmas Eve/Morning 2013

 I have this special thing (that I'm sure a lot of other Moms have) where I like to get a picture of my girls together all dressed up for Christmas Eve Mass. I then frame each picture and it becomes a part of my Christmas decor. Eventually my bookshelves will just be framed Christmas pictures during December and I will love it! 

 Well this year Emma was not being cooperative. I'm sensing that this is just her thing. So I got to jump in the photo this year, since Emma would NOT be put down.

 Lexi Lu was all smiles though - she loves being dressed up! 

 After Mass, we went to my parent's house for dinner and to let the cousins play (loudly). As per Dunaway tradition, NO ONE can change until we have taken a family photo in front of the fireplace. Some day I want to make a collage of all of our family Christmas photos. 

We added a "silly picture" this year per request of Lexi and Chloe, I think.

We let the girls open one present each before bedtime - new pajamas! My mom used to do this for us when we were little and it was one of my favorite things! 

 Lexi got a Rapunzel nightgown . . .
. . . And Emma got Sofia the First pajamas - she LOVES Sofia and I felt like a rockstar Momma when they got super excited about their new PJ's!

The girls got new sleeping bags, books, nightlights, princess teddy bears, and a toy each from Santa. 
I LOVED having both my girls so excited about Christmas morning this year. I told Paul that I barely slept that night because I was so excited for them!

 The sleeping bags were a hit! Lexi even slept in hers last night, she loved it so much.
Merry Christmas!

Holding Family Christmas 2013

 We had a whirlwind, but wonderful, trip to Columbus this year. We loved seeing all of the family, even if the visit was short (only 30 hours).
 Emma Jo and Aunt Kayla
 These cousins - trying to get all 6 happy, smiling, and looking at the camera is not in the cards for us. They loved playing with each other so much it was pretty rude of us adults to make them stop for a group photo!

With so many small ones, the whole thing was a bit of a blur. 
I think everyone got what they were wishing for, though.

 My sweet Emma - she is just so delighted to get anything, ever. Evidenced when she opened a present that was inside a box of Christmas lights - she tore the paper off and yelled, "Lights! I got lights! I LOVE lights!" 

She did end up loving the present inside the box, too, even though it wasn't actually Christmas lights.

Christmas Cherub


 Lexi's Kindergarten Nativity play
We loved watching our little angel in the Kindergarten play!

 Isn't it nice when somethings never change? Lexi rarely smiles on demand.
 this was her idea of 'posing' for the camera. I can't say with complete certainty, but in all likelihood, I doubt that angels vogue.
 A Christmas miracle - these two showing some love.