As everyone knows, boredom equals hunger. So this afternoon Emma (still teething and not sleeping) took a too short nap, which means I did NOT get a chance to do all of those grown-up chores you can't do with a one-year-old around. Well I could probably do them, but then I end up saying things like, "Emma! No! Do not put your pacifier in the toilet!" or "No! Emma! Do not climb into the open dishwasher!"
Honest truth: that child is going to grow up thinking her name is 'No-Emma'
SO. Pinterest saved our afternoon. I had previously pinned these little confections:
They are actually supposed to be an Easter activity where you explain the Resurrection to your kids by showing how the marshmallow disappears when it is cooked inside the crescent roll (after it is dipped in butter and cinnamon-sugar), just like the tomb was empty on Easter morning.
Honestly, they had me at marshmallow.
I did not read through the Bible scripture or explain any of the Resurrection to my kids. I know - learning opportunity lost, but Lexi already asks too many questions about Heaven and says inappropriate Heaven-related-things to strangers ("you're at the store with just your dad? Is your mom in Heaven?" - true story, btw). And Emma is one - she doesn't understand that I don't really disappear when I put a blanket in front of my face while playing peek-a-boo; not going to be the crazy lady explaining Christianity to my one year old - that can wait until she's 18 months!
So we make these - I am SSSOOOO excited (and hungry/bored). BUT when I pulled them from the oven, I discover THIS little miracle:
Na-Na-Na-Nailed IT!!!!
They were still delicious.
And I gotta tell ya - I am really happy I didn't explain the Jesus part of this to my kids. Because I can just hear Lexi saying, "So on Easter, Jesus EXPLODED just like our marshmallows?"
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