Happy Birthday Emma!
One year ago today, this was my baby:
This was my precious girl today
Emma did not have the massive
1st birthday pool party that Lexi got.
But don't feel sorry for her - she got three small parties
(one with Paul's family, one with mine, and one with the babysitter) and she preferred it that way.
Emma doesn't like crowds.
And poor Emma, due to that pesky peanut allergy she couldn't have a pretty bakery cake (peanut cross contamination risk).
Mommy attempted making a cute cake.
It's safe to say that I will never start a business venture in the cake-baking world:
It's been an emotional past couple of days for me. I am having a hard time letting go of Emma's baby days. Don't get me wrong, I love hearing all of her new words (she says mama, dada, nana, puppy, baby, uh-oh, oh-no, bu-bye, and na-night), watching her mimic her sister, and wobble-walk all over the place.
But I have LOVED her baby stages.
Lexi wasn't a very cuddly baby, and she was pretty fussy.
Emma is a snuggler and she just wants to be held
(and fed - she's my chunkster).
In my mind I've viewed her first birthday as an end point - she's not my baby anymore.
She's my big girl.
I'm sad.
But I'm happy, too - I love each new thing she learns to do or say.
Even though I am sentimental about where we were a year ago, I am really looking forward to all the things to come.
I'm an emotional mess.
Paul is just happy - he sees her first birthday as being one step closer to being done with diapers and being awakened in the middle of the night to pop a pacifier back in.
All my mama-drama aside, Emmy Jo had a pretty good little day. I made special Lemon Blueberry Pancakes (that I found on Pinterest - I'm addicted) and Emma ate . . .and ate . . . and ate and ate and ate.
She's still my pooh bear - short, fat, and proud of that.
She got to play in her new playhouse from Nana and Papa.
It's a hit.
We had my parents over for dinner, cake, and present opening.
Lexi "helped" Emma open a new book, movie, and toy.
The cake taste test:
Step 1:
Taste small portion of frosting with finger
Step 2:
Decide it is sugary deliciousness.
Step 3:
make a small, but dainty mess, and make silly faces while eating.
Happy Birthday to precious Emma...she is a DOLL! I was an emotional wreck when Braeden turned 1, and I'm sure I'll be that way when my baby girl turns 1 too. There's a freedom that comes w/ your babies growing up, but there's NOTHING like the baby days!!!