What a crazy whirlwind of a weekend!
I still haven't totally figured out this weekend mom thing yet. Do I get up and shower right away? Do I enjoy my Saturday morning and sleep in? Either way - I usually end up tired or still in my PJ's at lunch time.
We went to the grocery store (6 separate times this weekend in total. I have my act together. Clearly.) Saturday morning and Lexi is now terrified of Dillon's. They have a large black moving blow-up cat on display in the Halloween aisle. Lexi thinks it is going to eat her.
We went to Mass Saturday night and I can honestly say this was the first time we have ever been that both my children have behaved. This is due largely in part to Nana.
You see, when we were little my mom had these figurines of all of the characters from The Wizard of Oz.
If you even thought about taking them off the shelf to play with, you would be grounded faster than you could say
"I'll get you my pretty!"
this is exactly the set TD owns
So. . . Nana has been cleaning out her basement and found these little treasures packed away in a box and thought they would make great church toys for Alexis.
Church toys!
I know I definitely couldn't play with my Barbies for at least a week after I broke the broom off the Wicked Witch of the West figurine when I was 7!
Church toys! Ha!
But, both my children were angels.
Well, Emma was perfect and Alexis was subdued and only asked to leave to go potty once.
before Mass, the choir was singing and Lexi loudly announced,
"I can sing, too. I know my ABC's!"
Don't be fooled by her age - she is as sassy as a sixteen year old.
Not funny:
I thought Emma's cheeks were looking mighty rosy Saturday night and she had been slightly fussy and cranky all day - not eating and only wanting to be held. That night, I was looking up every thing I could think of to figure out what was causing my little lady's odd behavior. On a whim, I asked Paul to check her gums to see if he saw any signs of teething.
She has a tooth!
It is her first and she's only 5 months! This little tooth had already broken through the gums and I felt like a horrible mom - my baby was getting a tooth and I didn't realize it until it was in!
More new things for Emma - we decided to try some cereal tonight and she LOVED it! She kept grabbing the spoon from my hand,
and attempting to feed herself!
Let's hope this helps her sleep for longer stretches of time!
. . . .and that's how Lexi "C's" it
More fun - we painted some of our pumpkins.
So much cleaner than carving - and more interactive for the toddler!
I can't show you many pictures because I made Lexi paint naked so she wouldn't destroy her clothing.
All inappropriate parts are covered in these photos.
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