. . . and I'm sure you were not.
Things are C-R-A-Z-Y around this house with a hyper-active (almost) 3year old and a 1 month old. Our typical day begins around 6:30 when Emma wakes up hungry and ends around 11 when Emma finally falls asleep. In between is a blur most days. However, I have noticed a trend in my thought patterns:
- Why can't I manage to get all three of us downstairs before 9 a.m.?
- What do you mean it is 11:00? I haven't had breakfast yet.
- why won't Lexi pull down her own underwear to go to the bathroom? I know she CAN, she just WON'T!
- Will they kick her out of preschool for this? No, she'll get kicked out of preschool for being a diva.
- Aren't newborns supposed to sleep 20 hours a day? Mine doesn't.
- Lexi - SERIOUSLY? How can it take you an hour and half to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and orange slices? SERIOUSLY!
- Why does my 3 year old insist on wearing a nightgown to nap?
- I have GOT to remember to sew the clothes on to the Barbie dolls today!
- OK - both girls are occupied or sleeping - time to make a list of what needs done around here . . . nevermind. I'm needed.
- How is it possible that I do laundry every single day?
- Emma is the noisiest little thing.
- Would it be inappropriate to watch Real Housewives of New Jersey with Lexi in the room? yeah, probably. darn.
- Lexi's napping. Emma is . . . not. sigh.
- How can I get people to knock instead of ring the doorbell without being rude or hanging up a tacky sign?
- Have I brushed my teeth today? I know I showered.
- I don't get this 'Bubble Guppies" show - how can fish go camping?
- When was the last time I left the house?
- How is it 5:00? I haven't had breakfast yet.
Emma's 1 month stats:
- height: 20 inches (10th percentile)
- weight: 9 lbs. 4 oz (51st percentile)
- head circumference: 14.5 inches (71st percentile)
she's short and round. like a pooh bear.
Haha! Love this post, Megan, and so relate! Art told me as we were running behind to something when Sadie was about 7 weeks old that the time had come for me to get it together and enough time had passed for me to figure it out. I'm sure you can imagine the look I shot him! Needless to say, he has been nothing but supportive since then:). LOL!