Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Bangs, Beautiful Toes, and Best Buddies

My little girl is about to become a BIG sister in a matter of days. With a title that important in her future, it was also time to do something about the crazy mop of flyaway curls adorning her darling head.

I can't bring myself to cut the curls themselves yet - they are wispy and crazy and SUPER curly when it's hot, but I love them. However, Lexi is constantly (CONSTANTLY) pushing her little fingers up against her hair to keep it out of her eyes and face. So, I took a very professional pair of kitchen scissors to the front of her hairline, and I don't think I did a bad job, personally. My baby is now a big girl!

Also, to add to the 'Big-Girl-ness" Lexi let me paint her toenails. This shot shows off the true dichotomy of her nature - she LOVED her pink toenails, and doesn't this particular shade of fuchsia go well with the scrapes and bruises on her legs from being such a rough and tumble little kid? She can't make up her mind whether to be a tomboy (she loves to run and play and chase and dive) or a girlie-girl (she loves anything pink, sparkly, princesses, and playing dress-up). I'm very much ok with her dual-nature, it's just sort of amusing.

And last - the two partners in crime (aka everything). When we took Roxy in to the vet for her checkup (sidenote: this dog is almost 6 years old? How did that happen?) we found out she had gained 7 pounds!!!! The vet asked what had changed about her diet and lifestyle, and we said nothing, we just have a three year old and . . . oh yeah, Roxy's been getting slipped some major table scraps over the last few months. She even had a spot on the back of her neck with strawberry jelly on it at that moment - exhibit A, people! So, Roxy's on a diet and we are trying to be more vigilant about the amount of peanut butter and jelly she gets slipped. Either way, those few extra pounds have solidified Lexi's place as number #1 in Roxy's heart - which is ok with me, too.

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