Thursday, May 19, 2011

It's only been a week . . .

Our lives have changed so much in the last week! It's hard to believe that this time last Thursday, Emma was only minutes old!
When we took Emma to the doctor for her check-up she weighed the same (yeah!).
at one week, here are her stats:
height: 18.5 inches - 10th percentile
weight 6 lbs. 8 oz. - 25th percentile
head circumference: 13.25 inches - 45th percentile

Since we've been home, it has been really interesting (sometimes scary, sometimes funny) to see Lexi adapt to our family of four. She is learning to become more independent. Things that she used to demand I do for her, she now wants to do herself. Exhibit A: getting into the fridge to get her milk cup.

"Mom, I can get my own milk!"

To her credit, Lexi has become an awesome helper! She loves to help me take care of Emma by getting things for me or taking things away. If I need a diaper for Emma, Lexi gets it. If I need her pacifier, Lexi gets it. If I need a burp rag . . . you get it - Lexi fetches.

She also likes to put things away when we are done with them. She throws Emma's diapers in the trash for me, and gets pretty upset if I don't let her do it! The other day I asked her to put a couple of pacifiers in the sink for me. I assumed she had done it, but when I went to do laundry later (sidenote: I had completely forgotten that someone so small generates so much laundry!) I found this:

pacifiers on the washing machine

Lexi also has some interesting thoughts about her new baby sister. For instance, the first few days we were home, we had lots of people coming around to meet our Emma and when Lexi was asked, "What do you think of your new baby sister?" Lexi said, "I think she kinda stinks." Nice. Really nice.

Lexi was talking to my mom on the phone and I heard Nana ask her if Baby Emma has been crying alot - Lexi said "Baby Emma doesn't cry, Nana, she SQUEAKS!" (that is true - baby girl has a teeny tiny cry but we rarely hear it. She just squeaks when she needs something - it's pretty cute).

Lexi has been getting pretty hyper with all the comings and goings around here and she usually tries to show off for everyone by running around and being loud. I told her to calm down and be quiet. Lulu's response: "But Mom, I'm very happy!"

"here, Mom, take her. I'm done!"

Lexi really is adjusting pretty well to the new baby. She isn't too interested in doing much more than helping mom and holding Emma for 3.5 seconds yet, but that's alright. We've got time. The only thing that has been really difficult for me, being home with both girls this week, is learning to become super organized and scheduled. Before Emma was born I was terrified of what would happen if I was feeding Emma and Lexi needed to go potty. I've learned how to synchronize the days events so that I can be available to whoever needs me more (example: make sure Lexi potties BEFORE feeding Emma - really it was a simple solution). It's only been a few days, no major mishaps yet. I'm certain they'll come, though.


There have been a few things that have made my life worth living lately:

1. This contraption (and of course the little girl in it!):


She looks a little terrified of the camera here; better get used to it, sister!
Momma LOVES her camera!

2. Lexi singing. She has been singing to herself in bed lately and while she doesn't know tunes to anything, she's got the words down. Her favorite (and mine) is "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" - precious.

3. and this - THIS - is what makes my world go 'round. All my loves. Love is all you need.
Lexi, Emma, and Daddy

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Baby Emma

Emma Josephine Holding

born: May 12th 2011
weight: 6 lbs 8 oz
height: 19 inches

Emma was born Thursday May 12th at 11:34 a.m. I was scheduled to be induced that morning, 1 week before our due date since Lexi was so big (8 lbs 12 oz), and we didn't want this baby to get as large. We got to the hospital at 6:30, started the induction process at 7:30 and by 9:30 I was ready (i.e. nearly begging) for an epidural.

When the did the epidural the first time, around 10:00, it only blocked my right side. Since I preferred to be numb on both sides, they REdid the epidural and by 11:00 I was completely numb.

By 11:00, I was also ready to have the baby, apparently. No one had anticipated that I would progress THAT quickly and our doctor barely made it into the room in time to deliver Emma.

We had a little bit of a scare shortly before delivery. With every contraction, Emma's heart rate would drop drastically. Thankfully she was delivered very quickly (about 9 minutes) and within a few (excruciatingly long and emotional) moments, she was crying and her heart rate was back up. Apparently, she had the cord wrapped around her arm and would pull on it with every contraction, causing her heart rate to drop. She is healthy and fine, but it was a scary, terrifying moment for Mom and Dad.

We named her Emma because that was the only first name we both liked. Josephine has multiple meanings - Paul's dad's middle name is Joseph, and my aunt's middle name is Jo - we felt Josephine was a nice way to incorporate both our family names.

We've been home for a few days and everything is going well. She is a sweet, snuggly, LITTLE (ok, little to US - remember Lexi was almost 9 pounds) girl and big sister Lexi loves to hold Emma and give her kisses.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Bangs, Beautiful Toes, and Best Buddies

My little girl is about to become a BIG sister in a matter of days. With a title that important in her future, it was also time to do something about the crazy mop of flyaway curls adorning her darling head.

I can't bring myself to cut the curls themselves yet - they are wispy and crazy and SUPER curly when it's hot, but I love them. However, Lexi is constantly (CONSTANTLY) pushing her little fingers up against her hair to keep it out of her eyes and face. So, I took a very professional pair of kitchen scissors to the front of her hairline, and I don't think I did a bad job, personally. My baby is now a big girl!

Also, to add to the 'Big-Girl-ness" Lexi let me paint her toenails. This shot shows off the true dichotomy of her nature - she LOVED her pink toenails, and doesn't this particular shade of fuchsia go well with the scrapes and bruises on her legs from being such a rough and tumble little kid? She can't make up her mind whether to be a tomboy (she loves to run and play and chase and dive) or a girlie-girl (she loves anything pink, sparkly, princesses, and playing dress-up). I'm very much ok with her dual-nature, it's just sort of amusing.

And last - the two partners in crime (aka everything). When we took Roxy in to the vet for her checkup (sidenote: this dog is almost 6 years old? How did that happen?) we found out she had gained 7 pounds!!!! The vet asked what had changed about her diet and lifestyle, and we said nothing, we just have a three year old and . . . oh yeah, Roxy's been getting slipped some major table scraps over the last few months. She even had a spot on the back of her neck with strawberry jelly on it at that moment - exhibit A, people! So, Roxy's on a diet and we are trying to be more vigilant about the amount of peanut butter and jelly she gets slipped. Either way, those few extra pounds have solidified Lexi's place as number #1 in Roxy's heart - which is ok with me, too.