Sunday, August 30, 2009

Lexi Says . . .

Just as Paul has long feared, once Lexi started talking, she's never stopped! She is 14 months old now and is learning so much! She loves to run, climb, and play chase, tag, and hide-and-go-seek (an extremely simple version were one of us hides quite obviously and she finds us and yells "BOO").

Here is a list of words she knows, but there are lots of others she can repeat (without knowing the meaning):

  1. Mama
  2. Dada
  3. Nana
  4. Papa
  5. Ba-Ba
  6. Bye / Bu-Bye
  7. Hi
  8. Cracker (this girl should be the spokesperson for Ritz!)
  9. Thank You (most of the time)
  10. Please (not always, but sometimes)
  11. Night-Night (pronounced "na-nigh")
  12. Puppy
  13. (one) Two, three
  14. Julie (our babysitter, she says this over and over when we get to her house)
  15. Bear
  16. Nose(although it's prnounced "no-e-nose")
  17. Shoes
  18. Toes
  19. Eww
  20. Ow
  21. Poo-Poo
  22. Pretty (her personal favorite)
  23. No
  24. Boo
  25. Duck
  26. Book
  27. Tickle-tickle
  28. Wow
  29. Oh Yeah
  30. Boom
  31. Go
  32. Go away (aren't children delightful?)
  33. Zoo
  34. Good Girl (another favorite)

We had to prompt her to say the words in the video, but she CAN say them on her own (just never with the camera rolling . . . ).

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