Here is a list of words she knows, but there are lots of others she can repeat (without knowing the meaning):
- Mama
- Dada
- Nana
- Papa
- Ba-Ba
- Bye / Bu-Bye
- Hi
- Cracker (this girl should be the spokesperson for Ritz!)
- Thank You (most of the time)
- Please (not always, but sometimes)
- Night-Night (pronounced "na-nigh")
- Puppy
- (one) Two, three
- Julie (our babysitter, she says this over and over when we get to her house)
- Bear
- Nose(although it's prnounced "no-e-nose")
- Shoes
- Toes
- Eww
- Ow
- Poo-Poo
- Pretty (her personal favorite)
- No
- Boo
- Duck
- Book
- Tickle-tickle
- Wow
- Oh Yeah
- Boom
- Go
- Go away (aren't children delightful?)
- Zoo
- Good Girl (another favorite)
We had to prompt her to say the words in the video, but she CAN say them on her own (just never with the camera rolling . . . ).