Friday, January 30, 2015

Thanks a lot, Influenza

 2015 is here and my resolution is clearly NOT to get back to regular posting. My free time most days is somewhere between 13 and 22 minutes. Paul is working crazy hours and I'm doing my best to be  mom, teacher, mentor, wife, housekeeper, chef, chauffeur, maid, runner, homework tutor, therapist, counselor, etc.  

This full overflowing  plate of responsibility and commitment leaves me too exhausted most days to be a writer. It mostly just leaves me exhausted.

I looked at Paul last weekend and sincerely asked, "Shouldn't we be getting weekends? Our kids aren't old enough for weekend long tournaments or crazy sports schedules. How are we so busy with chores, errands, work, and life that we have scheduled away all of our time?!?" 

His response: "Yeah. I don't know. But this sucks."

True dat, husband. TRUE. DAT. 


a rare moment of free time - we spent 30 minutes last Sunday evening doing something just for FUN. Firepit S'mores.

So January rolled in uneventfully enough and all was well (ish. well-ish. exhausting but well. ish.). Until this week, when the universe decided to FORCE us to slow down. 

side note: I've been singing 'Influenza' to my students to the tune of  'Interjections' a la School House Rocks. "INFLUENZA! You'll have a fever, and a headache, and generally means you can't come to school and parents use exclamation points . . . " 

But I digress. We've got the fever, people. Emma officially went down Tuesday - fever and respiratory stuff - but her illness was rather mild. She broke the fever on her own and was able to be in school on Thursday afternoon. 
Emma voluntarily napping should have been my first clue that she was sick. 

I was home with her on Wednesday and was feeling rather smug about my nursing abilities since I thought that I cured my child in less than 18 hours. I really shouldn't take credit - that girls bounces back like rubber.
I cured this child in less than 24 hours. In the 1600's, I would have been accused of witchcraft for such healing powers.  

Thursday afternoon, I got a visit in my classroom from the school nurse - Lexi was sick. A fever and tummy ache meant Daddy picked her up from school and I got to use another sick day the next day (today). Bonus - she only threw up once and I was still at work, so Paul had to clean it up. #WorkingMomForTheWin. 
Poor Lulu isn't kicking this virus quite so quickly as her sister. She's been fighting intermittent fevers, chills, headaches, and stomachaches for more than 24 hours now. She's a trooper though. 

In a way I'm thankful. Taking a few days to step back from work and emails and errands and dance class has been just the respite I needed. I didn't know how run down and behind on things I was - sitting around your house for a few consecutive days with a sick kiddo camping on your couch (instead of running around like a wild hyena) affords one the time to start - AND FINISH - a project. I've also been able to talk to my family using nice words instead of giving staccato demands. I needed this time to chill out, truthfully.

I really am just trying to say Thank You (??) to Influenza A. 
Weird, but true.