Sunday, September 8, 2013

So this is September

Our September is slipping away just as quickly as August. The back to school haze always seems to settle in until October, when I finally emerge from the fog of re-establishing routine (both at school and at home). Add in the fact that Paul and I made a somewhat silly decision to run a half marathon race in October (silly because what parents of small children have time to be running 20-30 miles a week to train?) and time has just flown right on by us. 

Lexi continues to love Kindergarten, even though she is still pretty worn out at the end of the day. To be fair, I am pretty worn out at the end of the school day and I'm not 5 years old, so I don't fault her for being exhausted. 

Emma continues her free-spirited ways. She still isn't all that into wearing clothes, so most pictures of her are not internet appropriate. We finally (fingers crossed) made a breakthrough in her sleeping habits. This past week she has pretty much slept (*uninterrupted*) from 7:45 - 5:30. This may not seem like much of an achievement, but it used to be 8:45-12:00, 1:00-3:00, 4:30 - 5:30. So, yeah, we'll take 5:30 a.m., especially since we've already been up for a while doing all that silly running. When we both sleep, it makes for a nicer mommy. Remember that Emma!

Paul's birthday was last week (a distinguished 31), and the girls were only too happy to help him open his gifts. 

The girls new thing is to say "Bum-Bum-Buuum!" whenever they are about to announce something or surprise us with something: 
prompted this time, but usually they do it on their own

Not too much else to report for now . . . . this blog will return to it's regularly scheduled posting in October.