My darling girl turned two yesterday. That's right - it's been two years, and yet it only seems like minutes since she was 6 1/2 pounds of precious. She's still precious, just no where close to 6 1/2 pounds anymore.
Emma's birthday coincided with Mother's Day this year. Part of my Mother's Day present involved my parents keeping our girlies overnight on Saturday night. That's sort of ironic, isn't it? Let's celebrate being a mom by not having your kids for a night. Weird.
I felt pretty guilty that Emma Josephine was going to wake up on her birthday and I wouldn't be there, so I went a little crazy decorating for her very small Birthday party.
She had a pink explosion waiting for her, along with streamers on the door and a birthday outfit (complete with a birthday princess tiara that she wore for less than 3 seconds).
Smile, chickadee, it's your birthday!
Emma's presents were perfect. She LOVES playing with the toy kitchen set and toy food. Like, really loves it - that stuff buys me a good 45 minutes every day. So when I found a princess cash register - jackpot! It says things like "hello princess shopper!" - super cute.
Emma also enjoys vacuuming. She did not get that from me. This cute little vac actually picks up tissue paper! Well, it would if we put batteries in it, but Paul and I are firmly anti-battery. Why would you make something loudER?
Emma Jo (pretend) vacuumed several rooms yesterday!
Emma also got new princess dresses, new books, some kitchen toys, and a Barbie from Lexi.
Lexi got a little present, too. She was very good about understanding that it was Emma's day - Emma was going to get presents, not Lexi. With it also being Mother's Day, Nana and Mommy got presents too and I was afraid that was going to make her extremely sad. I gave her a little present - a new book. Sort of appropriate since she was the baby that made me a mommy, right?
Emma enjoying her birthday presents. She insisted on putting on this princess dress as soon as she opened it - too cute!
The cupcakes - what a great invention the cupcake was! Seriously, let's all take a minute and thank the genius individual that came up with this idea - everyone gets their own, no fighting over whose is bigger/better/frostingier/etc.
Plus you can decorate them all a little differently - so fun!
These cupcakes have been Emma approved!
Happy 2nd Birthday Emma Jelly Beans!