Sunday, April 29, 2012

Lexi's Amazing Day

 So you should know that Lexi is really terrible at soccer. 
So terrible that Paul and I slightly dread the games. 
Because she's gotten stuck in the net, 
and started a game of ring-around-the-rosy allowing the other team to score multiple goals, 
and frequently (and loudly) complains that "this is making me sweaty."

She's going to be more of an individual sport gal. 

She's told us "I not so very good at soccer" 
Honey, we know. 

So I was an awesome mom yesterday and told her that if she would STAY WITH THE BALL during the game and AT LEAST TRY TO KICK IT JUST ONCE I would take her anywhere she wanted to go later that day. 

And you know what - bribery works, people!
That little lady got out there and hustled her hunny-buns off trying to keep up with the ball. She kicked it  . . . TWICE! It was the most involved I've ever seen her!

After the game (which they lost 276 - 0), she declared that she wanted to be taken to the Jewelry store. 
You got it sister! 

We have a great costume jewelry store and Lexi and I spent about 45 minutes in there looking for "her one favorite thing" which she would get as a reward for her soccer skills. 

This was her selection: 

 Note the outift change - before we could go shopping, she demanded to be dressed like a princess. 
Because you must always dress for occasions. 
 We also found this cutey-cute scarf

And Lexi's Amazing Day continued. 
We went to 5:30 Mass . . . It was Prom Night. 

"MOM! Look! There are PRINCESSES here!"

She about peed her pants with excitement. 

After Mass, she ran up to all of them and told the girls how pretty they were, and asked for high-fives. 
All obliged. 
It probably helped that LuLu addressed them as "Pink Princess" or "Purple Princess" or my favorite: "Sparkle Princess" - I would high five anybody who thought I was a princess.

We Be Jammin'

Happy Matching Pajama day! 

Lexi shares my affinity for matchiness (not a real word, in case you were wondering) - when she woke up Saturday morning and saw that she and Emma had on THE SAME JAMMIES she ran up to Emma and told her "Emma! We match! Aren't you so excited?!?" 

Em was, I'm sure. She demonstrated her elation by continuing to shovel Cheerios into her mouth. She eats like a linebacker, I tell you what.

 Lexi can give attitude in any type of clothing. 

Sister loves.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


 Hey - so I got a little high up on my Blog Horse there. And thus, Life decided to intervene and kept me so busy I haven't had the energy to chronicle our lives. 
I've gone and overbooked myself again. 

You should also know that I've started watching GCB - possibly my new favorite show - and now my inner monologue (and possibly my regular speaking voice) has a fantastic Texas accent, y'all. 

AND on that note - Let's talk about Jesus. 

We spent Easter weekend in Kansas City with my family. My brother was home for the weekend and since he deploys in a couple of weeks we all wanted to be in the same place for Easter.

The kids had a great time at the Easter Egg Hunt that my sister organized in her backyard. The adults loved watching them and it was awesome to spend time together as a great big family.

 This is a sad and pathetic family photo. 
But it is only our 3rd. 

 Ready to hunt!

 The Egg Hunt begins:

 Lexi wouldn't pick up any (A.N.Y.) eggs unless they were pink.
 only the pink.
 I told you. pink only.

A few photos for ya: 
 Trey and Lawrence
 Love her eyes
 Paul and Emma
 Lawrence works on his photo-bombing skills

 Scottie and Emma

 " . . 7, 8, 9, 10"
 " . . . Here I come . . ."
 " Found 'ya!"

 And I leave you with THIS:
 Paul and I found this masterpiece on the table. When we asked Lexi why everyone's face was red, she said they were all naughty at school. Ariel was throwing rocks and everyone else was saying naughty words - so they all got Red Faces. 
Poor Ariel - naughty on her wedding day.