Sunday, February 19, 2012

Lexi's Dance Party

 We are big fans of Dance Party here in the Holding House. 
Most nights find us rocking out in the living room to a variety of songs. 

Lexi's current favorites are: 

"I'm Elmo and I know it"
 a hilarious parody on LMFAO's "I'm Sexy and I know it"
It's way more appropriate for a 3 year old too. 

"All the Single Ladies" 
by the Chippettes is a big deal here too:

Our video camera wasn't charged, so here are some stills from our latest dance party:

 my favorite:

Rock on, people. Rock on.

9 months old, baby!

Emma, I can hardly believe that you are nine months old! That means that your 1st birthday is just around the corner, and then you won't be a baby anymore. sad. 

Emma is still sweet and happy as can be. Well, she's sweet as long as she is being held by Mommy or Daddy. Emma has a major case of stranger danger. Even if we are still in the room, no one else can hold her - she just screams and cries until Paul or I pick her up. 
It's sweet, in a way. 

She is an inconsistent sleeper. 
Every couple of weeks we have to RE-sleep train her. 
Sometimes it sticks for a couple weeks, sometimes it doesn't. Currently she pretty much takes a series of night-time naps: 
7:30 - 10:30, 11 - 12:30, 2 - 6. 
It is not so fun. 
Not at all. 

We have just started giving her table food instead of baby food purees. She is not a fan. We'll keep trying, because I tell ya what - baby food can get expensive!

She crawls everywhere and loves to pull up on things. She will probably walk in the next 2 months. 
We just bought her 1st pair of shoes. 

Em loves to snuggle. 
She loves her sister. 
She still relies on a pacifier to sleep. 
Her eyes are still blue. 
Her smile is precious. 
Her laughs make me happy.

9 Month Stats:
height: 27 inches - 25th percentile
weight: 20 lbs -76th percentile
Head Circumference: 17 3/4 inches - 85th percentile

Saturday, February 11, 2012

game set match

 From the moment I found out we were having a second little girl - the thought of being able to dress them in matching outfits consumed me! 
I love love LOVE matching outfits. 

They will hate hate HATE it when they are 
old enough to know how dorky they look. 

but I can't help myself. I think it's awesome. 

So on Friday, I dressed them in matching tops and brown ruffled leggings. 

And it was precious. 

Paul would like everyone to know that he wishes to not be associated with this matchy-matchy ridiculousness.