Emma-Jelly Beans is 3 months old.
She smiles and laughs and still loves to be held.
I went back to work two weeks ago. Emma was 12 weeks old and had never really been away from me or home for much longer than a couple of hours before.
She was not a happy girl.
She cried all day long for the whole week.
I felt awful. I still feel awful. I keep thinking about our poor babysitter.
We LOVE her.
We absolutely adore our babysitter.
She is sweet and kind and wonderful.
She tells my children "I love you" every day.
Lexi likes going to her house more than staying with me.
She is an angel and we are so lucky to have her.
Emma is not showing her the love.
She is having major separation anxiety issues and has huge crying fits throughout the day.
She is a little young for this.
But I held that lil pumpkin from the moment she was born until two weeks ago Tuesday.
She isn't used to anyone but me for whole days at a time.
Last Friday, her voice was hoarse from crying.
I was about in tears fretting over her.
Our wonderful babysitter just said, "Don't worry about it - I'll make her love me."
She is making progress, too.
Emma cries a little less every day and smiles and giggles a little more.
Mommy stresses a little less every day, also.
Hopefully soon - this is the type of baby we'll have all day long - even when Mommy is at work.
and just because she has gotten the spotlight-heave-ho, here is a picture of our dog, Roxy.
She is going to be 6 years old next month.
She hasn't had a birthday party since we've had kids, but bless her heart she's never complained.
She is an awesome dog. She loves my babies - she watches over them and is gentle and tolerant and puts up with a lot of hair and tail pulling. She has never once snapped. Wonderful animal - but she sheds like you wouldn't believe! Everybody has their flaws, right?
So since I'll forget next month - Happy 6th birthday Ra-Ra!
We love you, even if we only ever show it by feeding you leftover PB&J.