Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sail Away

So, Daddy Sails on Wednesdays . . .

which means Mommy and Lexi are together all day long and all night (Daddy is home for about 9 minutes after work to change and grab a quick dinner). Sometimes things get a little silly, like tonight. We turned on the webcam and played around with LifeCam for a while to keep the little lady entertained.

She loved pointing to herself and saying "SISSY!" which is how she pronounces her name, and would laugh so hard when I would use the features to add stuff to her face (I told her she was Baby Gaga in the pink wig picture).

We also recorded a video (I know, yet, another!) of her many animal sounds.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

You've got a friend in me

Over the weekend, Lexi got a chance to play with her cousins on Mommy's side. Aunt Kelly, Uncle Mike, and cousins Chloe (almost 1 1/2) and Baby Trey (almost 1 month) came down to Wichita to visit. Lexi had sssooo much fun, and keeps asking us to "go find Baby Coco" (that's what she calls her cousin, Chloe).

photography by Nana

The girls, eating their snacks

meeting Baby Trey

Such a cute little guy!

Papa's surprise water party for the girls - Chloe LLLOOVVEEDD it, and Lexi did too, once she decided to venture into the water!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Good Girl, Star!

We spent our 4th of July weekend in Columbus with Daddy's family. We had such a great time, and Lexi loved getting to spend time with her cousins, Ethan and Noah (E-tan and No-No), Grandma and Grandpa (Gam and Gamp), and seeing the cows. Lexi also enjoyed seeing all of the fireworks (she called them stars) and saying "Good Girl, Star" while watching the fireworks. Here are some pictures, courtesy of Grandma, of our 4th of July weekend in Columbus.

Lexi and Ethan - she kept trying to force him to dance with her, and he wasn't too interested.

Lexi taking her baby on a walk with her stroller.

Playing with cousin Ethan's four wheeler

The Holding cousins - Lexi 2years, Ethan 15 months, Noah 6 months

(you have NO IDEA how difficult this picture was to get!)