Monday, June 28, 2010

TWO much trouble

Lexi's 2nd birthday was so great, I had to blog it TWICE!

Here is Lexi playing in her tent and tunnel. I'm afraid this may become a permanent fixture in our family room, since the last time I looked in there she has 'redecorated' the inside with a blanket on the floor, a pillow, another blanket to cover up with, 2 babies, and an assortment of books.

Here is Lexi sitting in her princess chair wearing a princess apron and oven mitts (more birthday presents). She LOVES Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast, and kept pointing to the two princesses saying "see Belle" (sounds like 'see bay-o; she can't pronounce L's yet) and "see Ra" (the pronunciation for Cinderella).

Friday, June 25, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Alexis!

Our baby girl turned 2 on June 22nd! We had a pretty low-key day, but she still made sure everyone knew who the Diva in charge was (hint, it wasn't Mom-mom)!

We went to the pool in the morning ("going simming") and went to visit Papa in the hospital in the afternoon (he's home now and doing awesome, by the way). Lexi had a great time strutting around in her pink tu-tu outfit (pictures to come) and saying hi to everyone and pointing out all the angel pictures!

We had a small celebration with just Mom-mom, Dada, and Lexi at home. Her favorite gift had to be the tent and tunnel we set up for her in the living room! (video to come).

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Mealtime Madness

When Alexis feels like eating dinner (which is about every 3 days), a show is usually part of the deal. She eats, sings, plays, and likes to run through the lists of things she knows, such as animal sounds and people's names.

Featured here, for your entertainment, Lexi showcases her expanded list of animal sounds (from a previous post), new 'nice words' ("no thank you" and "you're welcome"), and other phrases she has added to her verbal repertoire, my new favorite is "okay, alright."

Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

They say . . .

"Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy marshmallows....which are kinda the same thing."
- Anonymous

Normally there is a more drastic change in Lexi's demeanor when she is sad and is offered a marshmallow (the ultimate treat!).

We would like to thank Lexi's Grandma for starting the marshmallow craze - they never fail to effectively end a tantrum!