Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow Angel

Friday January 29th was a SNOW DAY (at last!)! We finally were able to wrestle Lexi into her snowsuit and get her out to play in the snow. It was semi-successful; she thought it was fun to push around the broom and help shovel the driveway, but wouldn't wear her mittens and really disliked having snow on her boots. She loved throwing snow into the air and yelling "Wheeee!" when it came down around her, though!

 trying to get a picture with Daddy

throwing snow in the air

trying to get a picture with Mommy

Lexi is such a good helper!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Wonderful Ones

Everyone talks about the "terrible two's" but what about those delightful little tantrums that children throw BEFORE that magical 2nd birthday?

Lexi's latest action when she gets in trouble is to simply throw herself on the floor and lay there, totally limp. This can occur for serious offenses ("Alexis! DO NOT open the door to the garage and go exploring with Roxy!") or minor transgressions ("no, you don't need another cookie"). Everything is dramatic at our house right now, which I'm guessing means that her "two's" will only be much worse. So for now, I guess we're experiencing the Wonderful Ones!

What a wonderful world, indeed . . .

Monday, January 11, 2010

Why I Love My Dog . . .

I love Roxy because she puts up with a LOT! Roxy is 4 1/2 years old and about 50 pounds. Alexis is 1 1/2 and 27 pounds. Roxy could easily push Lexi around if she wanted, but she won't.

Roxy and Alexis have always had a very special bond. Even when Lexi was just a tiny baby, Roxy felt the need to check up on her while she was sleeping in her crib. If someone came over to meet Lexi, Roxy would sit with her head in their lap the whole time they held Lexi, watching over the baby. We used to frequently ask Roxy, "Roxy, where's your baby?" and she would run to wherever Lexi was and check on her (sniff her, lick her ear, just watch her, whatever). I love my dog, because she loves my baby girl.

However, as Lexi has grown, Roxy's role has gone from observer to partner-in-crime. Alexis adores Roxy, and Roxy allows this because Alexis keeps her well fed with her table scraps. Lexi gives Roxy more kisses than she does her own parents, and asks about Roxy when she gets up ("where Ra-Ra?") in the morning if Roxy isn't there to greet her in her bedroom.

This afternoon, Roxy earned herself more 'I love my dog' bonus points and a few extra treats as she patiently allowed Lexi to decorate her back and head with 14 multicolored sparkly plastic bangle bracelets. I love my dog.