Monday, December 28, 2009

You Light Up My Life

Every morning this is our routine. Lexi runs around the house and gets so excited for us to turn on our Christmas lights. She even says "Peassseee" (translation: please) and "oooohhhhh" when the 'pretties' get turned on.

Cha- Cha Slide

. . . and by Cha-Cha we mean the cardboard box slide. On Christmas Eve, Alexis found this cardboard box to be delightfully entertaining when she turned it into a slide. I guess we should have gotten her boxes for Christmas!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Moping and Monkeying Around

We have been horrible about updating lately! There really is no excuse for us . . . well, except, Lexi IS getting a full mouth of teeth right now (she has about 6 newly acquired ones in the last 3 weeks and 2 more on their way in as I type) and is really the least delightful 18 month old person you've ever encountered.

When she is taking time off from tormenting Mommy and Daddy and telling Roxy to "go-way" (translation: "go away") we've had a few photo ops:

Mommy and Lexi did get to have an adventure last weekend! Lexi met her new friend, Jack, for "Curious George Live" on Saturday afternoon. This was a 90 minute musical stage show with a 15 minute intermission and a meet-and-greet an hour before showtime with the star, "Curious George"

We skipped the meet-and-greet and left at intermission. She was really enjoying the show (and Jack's popcorn) but I didn't want to push my luck since I spent most of the show trying to keep her from rushing the stage to hug the "mu-key" (monkey).