We have been horrible about updating lately! There really is no excuse for us . . . well, except, Lexi IS getting a full mouth of teeth right now (she has about 6 newly acquired ones in the last 3 weeks and 2 more on their way in as I type) and is really the least delightful 18 month old person you've ever encountered.
When she is taking time off from tormenting Mommy and Daddy and telling Roxy to "go-way" (translation: "go away") we've had a few photo ops:
Mommy and Lexi did get to have an adventure last weekend! Lexi met her new friend, Jack, for "Curious George Live" on Saturday afternoon. This was a 90 minute musical stage show with a 15 minute intermission and a meet-and-greet an hour before showtime with the star, "Curious George"
We skipped the meet-and-greet and left at intermission. She was really enjoying the show (and Jack's popcorn) but I didn't want to push my luck since I spent most of the show trying to keep her from rushing the stage to hug the "mu-key" (monkey).