Sunday, November 29, 2009

What a Turkey!

It was another year for multiple feasts and lots of family for the Holdings! We started the holiday off in Columbus with Daddy's side of the family and we all got a glimpse of what will be in a few years between Lexi and her cousin, Ethan. Alexis was 'relieving' Ethan of his toys and trying to shake him while he was in his bouncer. Oh, dear, we have much to fear!

After a few days in Columbus, it was back to Wichita and on to Nana and Papa Dunaway's to celebrate Thanksgiving again with Momma's family. Lexi wasn't big on sharing her spotlight with cousin "Co-Co" (this is how Lexi says Chloe) but was able to find solace in pie (she is DEFINITELY her mother's daughter!).

This little girl ate a piece of cherry pie and a piece of french silk pie, AFTER consuming her weight in green bean casserole, corn, bread, and turkey. And then she slept a looooonnnnnggg time that night. :)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Daddy's Girl

When it's time to play, Daddy is the BEST!
Here are a few pictures of Daddy and Lexi's latest shenanigans!

Lexi wanted to wear Daddy's sweatshirt- it might be a little big for her!

Standing with one foot in the basketball goal, doing what Lexi does best - being a goofy girl!

This is how Lexi was watching her favorite movie "The AristoCats" with her Daddy the other night. Talk about a footstool!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Brownie Bites

"And above all... Think Chocolate!"

- Betty Crocker

Yummy! We made brownies on Sunday afternoon - Lexi LOVED them!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Let's Say Thanks

So this is non-Lexi related, but this was too awesome not to pass on! By clicking on the link below you can help send a Thank-You postcard to military personnel stationed overseas. "Let's Say Thanks" is a program sponsored by Xerox that allows you to pick out a postcard and a message and they will send a postcard to a soldier!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I said a BOOM chick-a-BOOM

Alexis is learning how to jump up and she was entertaining us tonight with her jumps and saying "BOOM" every time she attempted (she has actually yet to leave the ground, but it's the thought that counts, right?).

You may also notice she is sporting a risky-business-chic look. This is her idea of classy styling. She's not loving wearing clothes the last few days, but was adamant about keeping her socks on. Whatever.