Saturday, June 27, 2009

It's So Fun to Be One!

What a difference a year makes!

Can you believe it's already been a year? Alexis turned one on June 22nd, but we had her party the Saturday before. She had a great time -playing with the other babies and swimming in the pool. At her one year checkup, she weighed 21 pounds (52nd percentile) and was 29 inches tall (50th percentile).

Here's a video of Lexi with her cake - Mommy has her trained so well, she had to be coaxed into getting messy!

Here are a few pictures from the festivities:
sharing Papa's dinner

I'm ready for my cake!



That's my girl!

The big cake

Cake, at home, with Mommy and Daddy on her actual birthday:

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Play Date With Kate!

As if there was ever any doubt that Lexi was my daughter - the girl loves Kate Spade purses! I gave her a small handbag of mine and she carried it around with her last night - it was so cute!!!

And this was too cute not to share - this was how Lexi and her daddy were watching Finding Nemo last night - so precious!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

What Does That Mean?

So this is what lunchtime is like for the Holding girls. Lexi spends more time talking (your guess is as good as mine on what she's saying - it's definitely not English) and trying to feed the puppies ("No, No") than eating. Add this to the fact that she is a very slow eater and lunchtime is not Mommy's favorite part of the day.

So here's your chance to play, "What Does That Mean?" with Alexis - remember, it's not always obvious (trees are pronounced 'bezz') and rarely as simple as it seems! Good Luck!

Friday, June 5, 2009

My Little Pony

Lexi's first ponytail! doesn't she look like she belongs in a Seuss book? Our little Lex-Lu-Who!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

You Are My Sunshine

Oh my - here are some of the pictures of Lexi's first week of summer and staying home with Mommy.

Lounging by the pool

The giraffes got REALLY close

Spaghetti night

the hair-aftermath of spaghetti night

Lexi is SO BIG

Feeding her bestie

I don't know if she thinks we can't see this, or what, but she puts the food she doesn't want to eat in her hair

Lexi took a nap after we got home fromt he pool one day - if you ever wondered what sunscreen in your hair does to bed-head - now you know.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Round 2 Voting

Alexis made it to Round 2 of the 'Baby Idol' contest - and we need your help again! Voting is only on Monday and Tuesday (June 1st and 2nd). You can vote once a day from a computer.

go to to vote


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