Thursday, May 28, 2009

Walking on Sunshine

Can you believe it? Alexis started walking!!!

She took her first step Monday, practiced and got really good at avoiding the video camera Tuesday and Wednesday, but by Thursday we caught the little girl on video (not our first attempt, mind you!). She is really getting good and can go about 5 or 6 steps before she falls over laughing, usually into Mommy or Daddy's arms. We are equal parts excited and terrified of Lexi's ever increasing mobility at only 11 months old!

This clip, provided for your viewing pleasure, only took about 20 minutes to capture. I have yet to master the idea that I cannot film with back lighting, hence the darkness of the video, but you can still clearly see our baby girl's walking skills!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Those Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer

We took Lexi to the pool on Memorial Day to test out her new flotation device - it took three tries to get her in, and after she got used to the water (it was a LITTLE cold) she was loving the pool! This makes her mommy very happy - you can find us at the pool this summer!

Lexi rolls with an entourage - Mommy, Daddy, Uncle Scottie, his girlfriend Alyssa, and Nana is her personal paparazzi

So stylish

Alexis is one cool chick!

I LOVE this face!

posin' with her posse

Daddy is the most fun!

Sunday, May 10, 2009



We entered Alexis in a local radio station's "Baby Idol" contest. The winner is determined off votes - you can vote once a day from a computer (so if you have two computers, you can vote on each, once a day).

Go to to vote for Lexi's picture: